Thursday, October 27, 2011

Research Links!

This is like DIGITAL GOLD. Learn 'em. Use 'em. Love 'em.



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Packing for Mars, Interviews


Packing for Mars

By Mary Roach

Chapter Selections

Due: 17 Oct, 10 a.m.

One of two project pieces for (earning credit for) Packing for Mars will be a pair of team interviews. In one interview you will be the interviewee team and in the other interview you will be the interviewer team.

A team approach models how NASA has trained astronauts for missions and how they have sent them on these missions. Even for the solo Mercury launches, the astronauts were chosen from a pool or team of astronauts who trained together and who helped design the space vehicles that took them there.

You will be interviewed on a chapter of Packing for Mars by another team of students. For this interview you will need to be experts on the chapter. You will be asked to respond to questions from the interviewing team and you will not know the questions ahead of time.

You will also conduct an interview of another, different team of students. For this interview you will need, as a team, to develop set of probing questions that you will use to assess the understanding of the team you interview on a chapter for which they should be the experts.

You will have some choice in the chapters you will be responsible for. You may select two chapters for which to be responsible. Choice #1 will be the chapter for which you will be the interviewee; choice #2 will be the chapter for which you will be the interviewer. However, each chapter will be used only twice, once for each side of an interview.

Choose a team, yourself and two others, and at your earliest opportunity choose two unique chapters from the grid below. First come, first served. Email your choice to me, First come, first served. If your chapter has already been taken I’ll let you know that you will have to make an alternate choice. You have until Monday, 17 October to make your choices. At 10 a.m. on Monday, 17 October, I will choose for you.


Team Choice #1

Team Choice #2

He’s Smart but his Birds are Sloppy: Japan Picks an Astronaut

Life in a Box: The Perilous Psychology of Isolation & Confinement

Star Crazy: Can Space Blow Your Mind?

You Go First: The Alarming Prospect of Life Without Gravity

Unstowed: Escaping Gravity on Board NASA’s C-9

Throwing Up & Down: The Astronaut’s Secret Misery

The Cadaver in the Space Capsule: NASA Visits the Crash Test Lab

One Furry Step for Mankind: The Strange Careers of Ham & Enos

Next Gas: 200,000 Miles: Planning a Moon Expedition is Tough, but Not as Tough as Planning a Simulated One

Houston, We Have a Fungus: Space Hygiene and the Men Who Stopped Bathing for Science

The Horizontal Stuff: What if You never got out of Bed?

The Three-Dolphin Club: Mating Without Gravity

Withering Heights: Bailing Out from Space

Separation Anxiety: The Continuing Saga of Zero-Gravity Elimination

Discomfort Food: When Veterinarians Make Dinner, and Other Tales of Woe from Aerospace Test Kitchens

Eating Your Pants: Is Mars Worth It?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451

By Ray Bradbury

Part I: The Hearth and the Salamander

Part II: The Sieve and the Sand

Due: Friday, 14 October

Captain Beatty

We meet Captain Beatty in Part I and he quickly becomes a main character in Part I and Part II. Is he a good man or is he a bad man: hero or villain?

State your premise. Then defend your premise by developing three contentions supported by statements describing actions and dialogue from Part I and Part II.

Limit your explanation to 150-250 words. Use your best English please. Prepare your responses in MS Word. You may submit your responses as hard copy or as an attachment to an email to

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Science Friday

Science Friday for 3-7 October

Listen to the Friday, 30 September segment titled The Real Virologist behind “Contagion.” It is not unheard of for a director to hire a scientist as a consultant to make sure a movie has its science right. Listen to the program and follow the links below (one of the links will take you to a podcast) and investigate whether or not this is one of those instances. Check out the movie details as well.

By Thursday or Friday of this week, be prepared to take an oral or written quiz on the information is this story and in the provided links.

Consider some outside reading on this topic. What sort of a project could you do in the areas of virology or epidemiology?

The Real Virologist behind “Contagion”