Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Alians over Arizona??

Yet again a glorious story about alians Flying thier ships over Arizonian suburbia...caught on tape this time. See for yourself.
After you watch the video, comment about what you think you saw.
Was it Aliens? Was it space debris from your grandma?


Murphs said...

First off- OMIGAWD.
Secondly, this was clearly the Cousin Ship, off course because SOMEONE is terrible with coordinates. Someone who is not me.
And third; they had to move Area 51 because now everybody knows where it is.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

Well first off i feel that i should say NO! It is not debris off my grandma. I think it was aliens. I watched both videos and the one where some guy said it was him that tied flares to balloons and set them into the air. But the only problem with his story is that the lights moved in perfect lines and balloons do not move in perfect line they move in squiggly lines that are squiggly.

JuiceBx said...

WHAT WAS THAT? that was like... nothing. They were flares on balloons man, just flares on balloons.