Monday, May 4, 2009


Remember....this blog is open to the public. Please keep your writing within the bounds of public decency.

Have fun.


Drifter177 said...

yay i'm the first to post!!!!!!!!! my weekend was ok all i did was sit around the house and watch tv, then i did chores, then i played video games. i mainly played call of duty world at war trying to kill as many zombies (dont worry ned, this is a level in the game), after about round 6, i die (-_-'). that was my weekend

Murphs said...

I'm really sick of working so hard--nae, at all and then having to deal with really annoying lazy people who are totally willing to be the ones poisoning the well. It doesn't take much to foul up an entire well, you know. And unfortunately, I feel that my educational well is, not only contamimated, but there is less and less to poison.
And you know what else? I don't really care anymore. Forget you all. For-get all of you, you lecherous defilers. And on top of it all?! Top those vocabulary words.

~Miranda May~ said...

I ran Bloomsday yesterday and my time was 1 hour and 47 min. I think... Anyways I am very sore, my ankles hurt a lot. This is my fourth year doing it and I think that the people who created the shirt this year... sucks. They don't know how to match. It's a periwinkle shirt with random blogs of burgundy, green, and yellow.
I was surprised to see that no one wore there shirt today.
I noticed the people who have the plates full of Vaseline. This guy behind us said, "Here's a handful of swine flu." I thought that it was pretty funny.
I didn't do much else. Afterwards I went and ate pizza at Pizza Pipeline because one of my friends works there. While we were waiting for our pizza my friends’ friend had a baby and I held it till she had to leave. She was a very very adorable baby. I LOVE babies!
I don't know what else to write... tomorrow I am going to a ropes course and then I am ice skating so I think I will have fun tomorrow. On Wednesday I am taking the Compass test again and I am kind of nervous... that's about it for me. How was everyone else's weekend?

Rogger Jr. Pounces said...

The weekend was a blast, had friends over, played xbox, and I celebrated my Birthday. My friend Andrew totally ate concrete on saturday when he was running to the door in my back yard. The party was fun friends came over and we just hung out and had a blast. Well in conclusion have fun and DO A BARREL ROLL!

Ziggy Warsex said...

I got in a fight with my best friends, ruined my band and, my dog died

Buckethead said...

Last year I was on my way to Seattle for a Buckethead concert. It was a New Years Eve concert and it was when there was like a million feet of snow. We decided to take a bus to Seattle so that my mother doesn't crash and kill us all. My mother had work the day before the concert and two days after the concert. So we took the bus the day of the concert. The bus was really late. Our Hotel was next door to the concert hall so we walked from the bus stop to the hotel, and then immediatly to the concert hall. By the time we arrived the opening act had already started. The Buckethead show was awesome, despite all the technical difficulties. The Theatres rules stated that a show has to end by 11:15, but Buckethead had special permission to go to midnight. He stopped a 11:00 anyways perhaps from all the technical problems.

So the next day we get to the bus station to go back home and the passes (The ones in the Mountains) were closed. My Mom started freaking out because she had work the next day. So we decided to take the train. The train was scheduled to get us home at midnight. We had to wait for about 6 hours for the train to leave. The Train was having difficulties and so started another two-hours late. To make this story shorter we arrived in Spokane at about 2:00 in the morning. My mom being a trooper still went to work. Throughout the day I punched many chickens (Little-babies) in the face to help my chin grow.

: ) MeLiSsA : ) said...

this weekend was intersting. lets just say i got in fights and made them up. skipped the SAT just to keep my job. its sick that it came down to that. i need my job. then i went to the hospital. did you ever notice that they always smell funny. well any way that was my weekend it was pretty mellow. yet excitingly eventful

~Miranda May~ said...

Punching little babies is very rude what if you were ababy and someone did that to you? (Buckethead)
Also MeLiSsA I am sorry that you had to go the hospital that is scary. Sorry about your headaches. Do you like your job? where do you work at?
Dear Ziggy Warsex, I am sorry you had a bad weekend. Remember when theres theres a down there's got to be an up! :)
Zcarr I am glad that yuou had a blast with your friends!
Dear Murphs Great job for working hard! I am proud of you! Keep up the good work things will pay off!
Drifter177 i thought i was going to be the first but i was wrong good for you! lucky lol haha have a great day!
Have agreat day everyone!

MynameisHilary said...

My weekend was a little less than sub-par but oh well, on the up side it lasted from Wednesday of last week to Sunday so I had like a 5day weekend. However, I was sick for three days of it. SOBS =(! Uhhhhh….. Im not sure what else to write about so I’ll just write you a short story about a cupcake and a crocodile because I am really feeling the letter C, today anyways enjoy my short creative anecdote!!!! Hooray!!!!

Once upon a time there was a cupcake but he was a sad cupcake. So one day he wished he could be a starfish because they had it good (I mean seriously who wouldn’t want to be a fish that looks like a frikkin’ star!!!). So that night Roberto the cupcake was visited by the kitchen utensil god named spatula and he was granted the wish to become a starfish however, when spatula went to sprinkle his magic flower on him he was accidentally turned into an eleven foot crocodile and was some how transported to an old ladies front porch in Florida. That morning he was capture by animal control and then euthanized but the public was lead to believe he was released into the wild. Well the media !@#% lies all the time. It’s like me telling you that you’re going to die from swine flu. Ok I am done ranting now sorry bout that… And they all lived happily ever after there now bugger off you punk kids!

Spatula was used to make goob-lick (which is a sticky substance Google it if you don’t know what it is genius) and his head was broken off in the sticky mess. The kitchen appliances went into an economical depression and all hope was lost in my kitchen.

Howell's History said...

My Nanna Passed Away This Weekend So Unfortunatly My Weekend Wasn't All That Great. Mostly I Played Some Left 4 Dead And Call Of Duty 4 And A Little Smackdown VS. Raw 2009. That Is Bout It.

~Miranda May~ said...

MynameisHilary very interesting story, you sure do love to talk.
Dear Герой Советского Союза Geroy Sovyetskovo Soyuza, I am sorry that your nana died. That is sad. I hope that this week finds you with blesssings and that your physically and emotionally strengthened.

MynameisHilary said...

Thank you "you dont know who i am =D!!!
Tehe*girlish giggles from my corner of the room*

Unknown said...

well leslie, i can see how you might think that our well of knowledge has been poisoned with the sludge og idiocy and procrastination, but we have all been lulled into this state of bum-ness(if thats a word)and its all of our faults. if those of us who complain about the school dont buck up and start doing what we say we will, then nothing will get done and our school will go right down the pooper.

on a more postitive note, this weekend i went to seattle to go to jesus love you camp and i saw a jesus action figure. yes folks a JESUS ACTION FIGURE!!!! it had blessing arm action and it said "bless you my son. it was 20 bucks. i wanted it hecka bad. the end.

oh and i owe donovan a dollar. (dont tell him but im not gonna pay him)

Buckethead said...

To Miranda,

If I was a baby, I would be grateful for every beating that I recieved. I would love to sacrifice my life for the cause of the Chin.

And to everyone, Jake Kennedy owes me a Dollar.

ladysman217 said...

Every ones talking about how they're weekends went well lets spice this blog up. Ill blog about... Ok so i recently had every ones input. Every one within a voice range gave me a single word. ill attempt to put them in a sentence. While looking through the dictionary i came across the word scrumdidlyumptious which is not in the dictionary so i just lied. That was miscellaneous! What is a googlex? Does it have something to do with Barrel rolls? Or perhaps sledge hammers? You tell me!

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

Well I cant fill in some details but me my friend cody, david and sean decided to go on a skate adventure downtown and then riverfront park then the mall to go emo hunting. After snapping a few shots of them sean and david departed from the group and we had a fun day. The End.

Buckethead said...

Sorry for the Triple Comments, But that song that Ned keeps playing is so annoying. I think that I am going to snap.

Space man said...

Did you know that there are abut 20,000,000,000,000 atoms in an average size grain of salt? Each type of a particle of these 20,000,000,000,000 gropes of particles are the same, but what makes the difference between a grain of salt and a piece of metal is the combination of the construction of the particles on the atomic and molecular level. So yah all what we are is just a bunch of particles in a bunch of different combinations. In fact our personalities are dependent on genetics and past events which are combinations as well.

Anonymous said...

So anyways, it was a pretty good weekend. I spent a lot of time working on my lyrics for my album. I'm working on becoming a rap artist. I also talked to a record company and they said if I could get my songs together, I could come in and record them. Recording songs is really expensive! It runs about 50 dollars an hour! I really gotta work on music for the songs too. I'm not the best when it comes to stuff like that. I was talkin to Kyle though and he might help me with some beats. Anyways after I finish my CD, I was hoping to send it to Shady records and get signed to Eminem's label. That's my dream and that's the goal I'm shooting for. If any of you have a problem with it, I could honestly care less. And by the way, stop hatin on my style. I mean seriously, I'm sick and tired of having someone walk up to me every 5 minutes and give me crap for wearing make-up and tight jeans. I don't hassle you guys about what you wear. So lay off. Or else I might snap and go crazy. Trust me. That's the last thing you want to happen. And don't put down my dream of becoming a rapper. It's what I want to do and it's what I'm going to do. And when I make it big, which I will, I always remember my friends first. So all that aside, life's goin good and I'm quite happy with where I am right now. Don't forget, nothing you say or do can bring me down or distract me from my goals in life. All it will do is add fuel to the fire and make me more ambitious. So yeah. Anyways, have yourselves a lovely day. I mean that. Seriously. Okay. Peace out. Laters. Bye. Sincerely Paul A. Gottselig.

~Miranda May~ said...

Your welcome Hilary.
Buckethead, You would not be happy if you werebeaten as a child and you don't know what it's like in the first place. Who ever you are i thionk that you are dumb and i know that you have more commen sence in your tiny tee brain head than what your spitting out on the blog.

The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

so once upon a time there was a great and magical kingdom of angels. This magical relm was called los angeles and so our stroy begins. Once upon a time in los angeles there lived a mighty dragon. This dragon was fierce and ferocious he loved to eat little girls and boys especially highschool students. There was only one person who could slay the dragon the only problem is he did'nt even know it...........
RINGGGG, RINGGG, click. I stumble outta bed and into the bathroom after finishing i go put on some clothes. I start down the hall to go chow on some flakes but something just did'nt seem right so i quetly sneak into my parents room but it was empty i hop down the stair and yell for them, I wait about thirty seconds but i get no reply i run into the garage and the cars are still there. i search every but no one is to be found. All of a sudden i hear a huge boom and my livingroom collapses and there he is the great dragon! i run to my dads gun safe and pull out his dragunov and empty the clip into his steele scales. The bullets did'nt seemed to not even penetrate hil lively body. He spits fire as i dive behind the couch. As i peek over to see the dragon a beam of light hits me and i black out.......
i wake up in some sort of wild garden. its peacefull i just lay down and try to recouperate. I see a large disk descending from the heavens and i see a man in a great white robe and he speaks to me. Simba you must slay the dragon of LosAngeles but u need the sword of aeons and love to defeate such a treacherous beast.

fhgjrifnvnsdjfnvslkjdfvnslkdjfvnlktjrnlskjdfnbojisnfvlskdjgbwld said...

This weekend i was at my cousin nathans house at his b-day party, his parents spent 900 dollars on him.. wtf. i get like 100 haha.
oh well it was a blast. After that we went to the movies and saw "fighting" fighting = lame movie..
The filming sucked and it was a total waste of money, i advice you not to see it.

themelancholynoodle said...

This weekend i realized that fishing could never be a sport for me. I was sitting there watching at least four fish suffocate when I got the sudden urge to pick them up and throw them back into the lake. I resisted my urge. I turned away and pretended i saw nothing, hoping the fish never saw my face so they wouldnt come back to haunt me when they reached fish heaven (or fish hell depending on their fishy lives). I wondered if i would now be considered an accomplice to the murder of many, many souls. I wished I had thrown them back. Maybe Jesus would have considered me a godlike person. Jesus fed fish to many. So..after writing this blog I dont feel bad for the murder that I witnessed. I realize now that fish just plays a part in our food web. Bless the Red Lobster.

Word Dog Word! said...

What up? well one day i got up on this shed thing and tru rocks and eggs at a neighborly building. i talked my brother into geting on the roof too. all he did was cry and cry because he was panzy about heights. i was about an hour away from the boat on the lake and it was just him and me. he wouldnt move and wouldnt let me help him so i climbed up there and push him off into this giant sand pile and the only way he got hurt was he broke his pinkie toe. so i was out in the camp site thing far away from my parents and it was geting darker and darker. we limped there well my brother did. we eventually lost where we were. we sat down for what felt like 10 hours then we saw flash lights shining tru the trees. it was the park guys looking for us. so then i was safe and my brother finally stoped crying. so the moral of the story is my brother is a mangina.

~Miranda May~ said...

thetapoicapuddingcupofdeath ,
nice name...God fogives you don't worry and food is on the earth now for us to eat just don't waste it. God will always love you he just doesn't like what we do all the time. It's a good thing that God forgives an infinentamount of time.. otherwise i would defiently be going to hell.

~Miranda May~ said...

Word Dog Word! that is sooo mean how could you do that to your brother and brag about it not evan feeling guilty about anything?

Buckethead said...

Miranda, I am not even going to bother further arguing with you since it is apparent that you are incapable of detecting sarcasm. And my Chin needs the babies to survive. It is a hungry beast that never ceases the need to be fed. Oh the Humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Miranda May~ said...

Buckethead i think that your rediculouse and not going to respond from here on out to your tee brain responces that are far from mature. not saying that i am any better.

Chenoa said...

Dear Slim Shady 00,
I'm glad you have a dream that you can pursue for your own personal interest. Sounds like you have put some thought into it and if its something you are really passionate about I say go for it. And you’re right. We shouldn't give you crap for what you wear. For whatever reason you decided to dress the way you do we should know not to discriminate. Everybody is different and has their own opinions on things. So why should one person (or a group so called a click) decide what is the norm. I don’t know, I have a real issue with people thinking less of someone because of something that makes that individual unique. Paul you are a very eccentric keep it that way. It’s just different in everybody’s opinion.


Word Dog Word! said...

* Megan *

Yo. And thats how I do what I do what I do. Uh Son!

well formed error said...

my weekend was very boring all i did was sit at church all day sunday. i cant even remeber what happened on saturday.

Chenoa said...

Hey everybody I don’t know if the blog has died yet, but I have learned this new “rules of communication” thing. And I thought it was bs but actually it helps a lot but it only works if both people in the conversation follow it and I would really like practice. It’s not something that you can pick up on you first try so if you would like call me out on some of my crap come see me!

~Miranda May~ said...

megan megan megan you are sucha silly darling I love you!

~Miranda May~ said...

nono i love ya!

~Miranda May~ said...

well formed error i am sorry your weekend was boring sometimes that happens to me.

Unknown said...

this is not some sort of democrasy. this is the republic and the jedi have come to save you all. or in the words of the great colonel sanders, "im to drunk to taste this chicken"

Murphs said...

... It's a clique. People congregate into cliques. (I'm afraid I haven't the patience for the accented 'e' in clique.)

-Actually Murphs

Word Dog Word! said...


Chenoa said...

Leslie you may know big words but you are not as superior as you think. I am not saying I’m any better. But it would be nice if you stop being so cynical about everybody and everything.

Murphs said...

Miss Chenoa; I believe in no way that I am superior. In no way at all. And I believe that 'twas you who attempted the usage first. My point lay merely in that if one should be trying to use a word--any word--one should at least educate themselves to proper spelling. As to the jab at my pessimism, I am not as much a cynic as everybody would think, and I believe that, for the most part, my less-than-bright outlook hinders the crushing depression I might feel otherwise.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chenoa said...

We can play my horse is bigger than your horse all day I’d rather not. I see the point of correct grammar. Maybe I took what you said wrong. I think I could have been corrected in a nicer way. Thank you for the effort to make my education better here at RLA. I now know how to spell clique. Just remember people make mistakes give them a break.

Unknown said...

This weekend I did nothing - Well, nothig of Material value. I played on my computer and did Spanish and math homework. I also read a little bit and jumped on my trampoline. On a more interesting note; I had a son named Charles McDanielson. He is a uniraffesaurouscorn. He Frolicks in a meadow of happy and joy. (Smothered in math and Jones Soda.)
A lil late, but;

Super happy love;
- .[kt].

(P,s For some reason the N in nothing is not showing up. Not my fault.)

Murphs said...

Miss Chenoa,

Of course I realise that mistakes are made, as I make then frequently myself. My fear lay primarily in that if I merely spelled out the word clique my meaning would be lost.
I am still somewhat slighted by your previous attack on my point of view, both that it is assumed that I believe myself superior--again, I do not--and that my mental status is so definitely pointed to cynic. I forgive the misunderstanding of my correction, but not of the personal affront.


Unknown said...

the question is where do you draw the line on forgiveness? if we let everything people said slide then there would be terrible grammer and no-body would care. plus, the amount of stupid things that flow from your mouth never cease to amaze me, and i know that your trying, but for the love of good think before you speak

Space man said...

Some people walk in the rain, others get wet....

Lolami said...

Hot damn, I'll be 18 in less than a week. This to some is a big deal (considering you can buy a gun and vote, PEW PEW). Though, I don't know why people get so wanged out about getting older. I really don't feel any different than I did when I was sixteen...other than a little smarter...and not so impulsive...and my propensity for being sedentary has increased....yes it has. It’s not as if turning eighteen will suddenly usher in a new age of wisdom and ripened responsibilities. But, I’m finding myself feeling bereft of any major accomplishments. I always thought I would have done more by now.

Ah, but what am I saying? I’m young and spry. Sure there’s a lot to do, but there’s time in abundance to do it. All I want to do is spend my birthday in the back yard, sitting in my foldingrecliner, yelling at the cat to shut up. And that’s most likely what I’ll be doing. And it’ll be awesome. And I’ll be happy.

ジョル said...

This is why the rest of the world thinks so lowly of America intellectually. I think we should just take the time to learn our own language a little better.
And stop using the letter 'u' as a pronoun people. We're better than that.
or at least I'd like to think we are.
As for the click/clique mistake, it makes sense to spell it the former, but just keep in mind, Leslie wasn't correcting you to personally attack you. In all honesty she was doing you (and anyone else who has trouble with these types of things) a service. Let's just try to keep this civil.

Also my weekend was awesome. While you were all sleeping in preparation for Bloomsday, I was running around a dark foggy maze shooting and dodging lasers with about twenty people I have never met.

Beat. That.

We Middle East Beasts Plays For Keeps, yoe foows said...

My weekend consisted in adoppting some English jerks in FIFA. Not only did jI own them but eith their own team..... MANCESTER UNITED.....OHHH YEAH! I got a perfect through ball to Rooney who made the most beautiful cross to Cristiano Ranolado to end with the most spectacular diving header.....umpfhss yeah! Anyway I ended my weekend with Mohammed and Jassam by venturing into a dark loomy drain pipe that leads under two high ways. When we aproched we could not see the end so we went back to his house got a flash light, some food and water and gloves because it was filthy inside. As we approched the enterance it was about 9:30 at night. WE decided to stay no longer than ten minutes inside. I was choosen to lead unanimously. As I entered the wretched, filthy cob webb infested tunnel i became scard. I was mostly fightened from what might be lurking inside. Their could be some vicious dog or badger inside, not to mention all those cave horror moives. As afriad as I was I had my brothers with me and my trusty pocket knife, for what its worth. We travel for on for about 6 minutes stoping from time to time. The tunnel stated to get smaller and the air thinner. It smelt like an old mine, and mudd. After crawling for awile my breathe was short our became uncertain. As we went farther I saw what looked like the end. Unfortunately it came to a junction. It went to a 90 degree angle left. And where it turned was a small circular shaft 5ft in diameter that lead to a 18ft up to a manhole. We came to a quick decision to got back because the tunnel that went left looked like it had no end, and we were running low on battery light only had our cellphone light if it die, which was also dieing. So double timed it back. After reach the enterance we went atop the highway and tried to find the manhole, which was not found. It seem to be underground, considering this was a double highway( highway 2), the shaft going up seem to short to lead up to the surface. We do plan on going back, when we our sufficiently supplyed, and finding the end, and mapping it out if it longer than expected. sorry about spelling.

The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

hey believe me i've seen your type before!
pt 2 of the magical dragon story!
As i grasped the sword from the mighty wizard i was sucked into a vortex. The world shrunk and then went black. I open my eyes im back in my living room. I trieed to stand but relized i was in 200lbs of armor. I use all my strength and stand to face the demon. He shoots fireballs in every direction yet his fire balls are no match for my speed and agility. i run and stab him in the tummy. his pupils grow and he falls to the earth. i walk to his head and asked, "why did you make me do this." he said he just wanted to die his time on earth was through and he couldn't afford his rent. and we all lived happily ever after yaya!

Unknown said...

ii like that story can you tell it again?

ジョル said...

*sigh* you know you can't just say "sorry about spelling." Please take the time to edit your posts, to reflect what little intellect we still have at this school.
This includes CaPiTaLiZaTiOn and punctuation.
I'm not trying to be a jerk (This is to everybody too, not just the poster in question). It just bothers me that people can ignore the basic principles of the English language even when it reflects poorly on our school.
I'm just glad that this blog isn't open to the public.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

Oh wait it is!

ジョル said...

Oh wait it isn't.
You remember how you have to be invited to the blog and you have to log in? Ned lied to us. LIES!

Unknown said...


The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

so once upon a time there was a great and magical kingdom of angels. This magical relm was called los angeles and so our stroy begins. Once upon a time in los angeles there lived a mighty dragon. This dragon was fierce and ferocious he loved to eat little girls and boys especially highschool students. There was only one person who could slay the dragon the only problem is he did'nt even know it...........
RINGGGG, RINGGG, click. I stumble outta bed and into the bathroom after finishing i go put on some clothes. I start down the hall to go chow on some flakes but something just did'nt seem right so i quetly sneak into my parents room but it was empty i hop down the stair and yell for them, I wait about thirty seconds but i get no reply i run into the garage and the cars are still there. i search every but no one is to be found. All of a sudden i hear a huge boom and my livingroom collapses and there he is the great dragon! i run to my dads gun safe and pull out his dragunov and empty the clip into his steele scales. The bullets did'nt seemed to not even penetrate hil lively body. He spits fire as i dive behind the couch. As i peek over to see the dragon a beam of light hits me and i black out.......
i wake up in some sort of wild garden. its peacefull i just lay down and try to recouperate. I see a large disk descending from the heavens and i see a man in a great white robe and he speaks to me. Simba you must slay the dragon of LosAngeles but u need the sword of aeons and love to defeate such a treacherous beast.As i grasped the sword from the mighty wizard i was sucked into a vortex. The world shrunk and then went black. I open my eyes im back in my living room. I trieed to stand but relized i was in 200lbs of armor. I use all my strength and stand to face the demon. He shoots fireballs in every direction yet his fire balls are no match for my speed and agility. i run and stab him in the tummy. his pupils grow and he falls to the earth. i walk to his head and asked, "why did you make me do this." he said he just wanted to die his time on earth was through and he couldn't afford his rent. and we all lived happily ever after yaya!

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...


Unknown said...

and a third time maybe?

The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

so once upon a time there was a great and magical kingdom of angels. This magical relm was called los angeles and so our stroy begins. Once upon a time in los angeles there lived a mighty dragon. This dragon was fierce and ferocious he loved to eat little girls and boys especially highschool students. There was only one person who could slay the dragon the only problem is he did'nt even know it...........
RINGGGG, RINGGG, click. I stumble outta bed and into the bathroom after finishing i go put on some clothes. I start down the hall to go chow on some flakes but something just did'nt seem right so i quetly sneak into my parents room but it was empty i hop down the stair and yell for them, I wait about thirty seconds but i get no reply i run into the garage and the cars are still there. i search every but no one is to be found. All of a sudden i hear a huge boom and my livingroom collapses and there he is the great dragon! i run to my dads gun safe and pull out his dragunov and empty the clip into his steele scales. The bullets did'nt seemed to not even penetrate hil lively body. He spits fire as i dive behind the couch. As i peek over to see the dragon a beam of light hits me and i black out.......
i wake up in some sort of wild garden. its peacefull i just lay down and try to recouperate. I see a large disk descending from the heavens and i see a man in a great white robe and he speaks to me. Simba you must slay the dragon of LosAngeles but u need the sword of aeons and love to defeate such a treacherous beast.As i grasped the sword from the mighty wizard i was sucked into a vortex. The world shrunk and then went black. I open my eyes im back in my living room. I trieed to stand but relized i was in 200lbs of armor. I use all my strength and stand to face the demon. He shoots fireballs in every direction yet his fire balls are no match for my speed and agility. i run and stab him in the tummy. his pupils grow and he falls to the earth. i walk to his head and asked, "why did you make me do this." he said he just wanted to die his time on earth was through and he couldn't afford his rent. and we all lived happily ever after yaya!

: ) MeLiSsA : ) said...

why do people have to get sick! it so stupid. puffy eyes runny nose. ahh its annoying. you would think orange juice would help but nope it hasnt so far. lol. how many times a year do you think the average human gets sick per year? just common cold nothing else. ah thats just creepy to think about. i think this is my fourth time this year. that cant be healthy. maybe its from working at mcdonalds and touching money that has touch a number of diffrent people just in the last day. i think that is so nasty to think about. working with the public is fun sometimes but it sure is filthy. how many other people in this school work with the public in a fast food setting? its kind of what we have to do. kids are haveing to much trouble just finding a job that doesnt include gress and angry costumers who think your the scum of the earth. its quite insulting. has anyone else noticed that??? but hey thats why we go to school. to get out of fast food! lol

Drifter177 said...

yesterday, was fun after school i played gears of war 2 online. when i went to my cadre(small group of guys in my church's youth group) went to the cemetary, we had to find gravestone that had our birth year on it, and also find the oldest person who was buried there, i found a 99 year old person(1885-1984) and i have a pic to prove it.

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

yesterday i found that my best friends dog was hit and killed by a ya, not a good day at all.....maybe today might be better.

MynameisHilary said...
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cameron barclay said...

craaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyy stufffff, over the weekend.. starting friday i.. hmm, skated till about 6pm then went to my dads work till 9 pm, and for 3 hours spiffed up my myspace, and then stayedd up and watched galexy wars, with tim the toolman lol. it was great, woke up saturday and did my chores and called up my old friend from riverside pattric, we egged this old house, stole a fire exinguiser from a car, sprayed it every were, found some bag in the woods with white powder in it and threw it at a rock, i found a 5 inch baby snake and it died in my pocket, we rode our bikes to a hosue and took fire works and threw them at my freinds house, (mike) and then some of mikes freinds and mike came over and one of them looked like a eskimo with the wierd hair and everything and the other one was like a skinny ass indian who scared me but he could skate pretty good and then patt went home and i ate some food and ewnt to bed after watching dumb and dumber, then sunday i woke up and ran bloomsday in 1:31:47 for 7 miles i think thats pretty good for me, then we went and got a subway samwich and went home and i slept and watched tv for then rest of the day because i coudnt walk i was so sore, then i got tired and went to bed, then i woke up monday feelign like crap and i stayed home and watched tv all day and then drank some 7up and then watched forest gump last night and went to bed and had a dream that ther was a bunch of hot chicks trying to throw me off a cliff so i jumped off and i landed in the water and there was little fish that were biting me and it felt so real that i woke up and i was laying in a pile of chip crums so i brushed them off went to bed woke up took shower ate and here i am sitting at this same desk i have been sitting at for like along time listening to lamb of god song (ahses of the wake.) awesome song. and thats it.

MynameisHilary said...

Dear People of RLA and beyond.....
I have an announcement! Despite popular beliefe i am currently not a raptor! I am sorry to disappoint those of you that thought that i was indeed a prehistoric creature known as the raptor, but i am actually a "carbon-based life form" also called "human"! As for the person who started this vicious rumor *cough Jakey cough* he will be dealt with harshly (actually no im not really going to hurt Jakey-poo, plus im just not a violent person). In conclusion if you wish to think of me in dinosaur terms please think of me as a Dilophosaurus wetherell, for that is the dinosaur i truely wish to be! Even though i am a vegetarian and the Dilophosaurus wetherell is carniborous, well to say the least we all get cranky and if you bug me i will most likely feast upon your inside with utter joy XD!

.............Thank you.............
............Matt Damon.............

themelancholynoodle said...

I thought you all would like to know that yesterday I was having a lovely conversation with Mr.Dictionary. He puts you all to shame...tsk tsk tsk. Shamee.

He would like to inform the better half of you that "u" is, indeed, not a pronoun, as it all turns out.

Ah, but where would we be as a human race without any human mistakes? Nowhere, indeed. Mr. Dictionary just wishes you all luck and hopes you will never write an email to your future boss that includes incomplete sentences. Hopefully. He's crossing his fingers for our generation. Maybe we should do more farmwork so we'll turn out like our parents.

He also asked me to pass along the word that punching babies is a spectacular pastime that should be enforced more fervently among humans. It releases so much stress.

The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

.... . .-.. .-.. --- / -- -.-- / -. .- -- . / .. ... / ... . .- -. / .- -. -.. / .. / .-.. --- ...- . / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .

JuiceBx said...

Jack travel through the dense jungles of Africa in search of the Golden Skull, and a nearby McDonalds joint. Luckily he encounters a hungry Tyrannosaurs Rex, the Tyrannosaurus’s attention goes straight to Jack. The T-Rex engages into a predator mode, running towards Jack with the intentions of eating him. Jack, with the limited ability to control time, slows down time to dodge the fierce attack. Then in a flash, he pulls out his butcher knife and cuts off the head of the Tyrannosaurs.
Jack goes about again for his journey to find the Golden Skull, and McDonalds. Jack, unknowing the edge of the cliff, falls off the side of the mountain. In a desperate act to save his life, he throws away his climbing gear and digs his hands into the cliff side. Jack begins free climbing the cliff, which then leads him to encounter a Mega Raptor when he got to back on top. The two hunters wrestled in the dirt and mud, ripping off each other’s skin. Mutant-like abilities, the two hunters have healing factors fast enough to survive an atomic explosion. Jack pulls out a ten foot lasso from his back pocket, and strangles the Mega Raptor forcing it to listen to his every command. Jack rides the Mega Raptor through the bushes, over mountains, pass the gas stations, and across boiling water. Finally Jack has found what he was looking for, the Golden Skull. He turns the Raptor in a 360 degrees angle and heads off in search for McDonalds.
Thirty nights has passed, Jack has successfully located McDonalds. Little did he know, the McDonalds is a nest to the Aliens off of Aliens. Jack abandons the Mega Raptor and casts his weapons aside, for he thought he could finally relax in peace. Well he was WRONG! Jack gets an excurses amount pain as he faces the Aliens with his bare hands. Ripping off their limbs, Jack has defeated the Aliens.
Jack goes to the clerk to orders his Happy Meal. Jack then discovers that the clerk and the cooks are Aliens as well. They stare at each other for several hours before engaging into battle. Jack freezes time, he goes about making his Happy Meal before fighting the Aliens. After he finished eating he unfreezes time and battles the three Aliens in a three day war. With dead bodies surrounding him, Jack sits down to think about his life and what he should do next.
Just then, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Banana comes out of the Restroom and challenges Jack in a battle to the death. Jack denies the battle, which result his head being cut off. But the funny thing is that, when Jack’s head gets cut off his eyes send out a Cyclops Beam of Energy. The other funny thing is, his head is spinning in circles. So, as people can guess, Jack cut down McDonalds and the whole mountain with his laser beam eyes. Jack’s head is picked up and placed on the “Ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit” by the suit itself.
Jack heads off to his next adventure with his new “Power Suit” (I had to cut the name because it was so long, kind of like this short story). Where Jack goes, nobody knows.

ジョル said...

That's a hell of a dish.

Buckethead said...

Jacob Henry Kennedy owes me one Dollar!

So Buckethead was a very lonely child. Back then he was known by his first name, Brian. When he was about 6 years old his parents decided to not deal with him any more. They were very mean parents. So they fed him to the chickens. Buckethead had luck on his side and the chickens adopted him instead of eating him. He grew up with the chickens and was always being picked on by the other kids and the chickens who were raising him. One lucky day the chickens scratched his face off. Now he could wear a mask all the time. He felt so lucky. He would brag to all the kids he knew, if he knew any. The only ones he knew were the ones that set him on fire that one time.

That was part one and Jake owes me a dollar. Super Turbo Baby Puncher!

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...


Buckethead said...

72. Ooooh!!

MynameisHilary said...

More free writing Hooray!
My weekend consisted of watching wall-e, horton hears a who and tank girl about 9 times a peice...
Tank girl however, was amazing and has inspired me to get a nintendo DSI and start my very own sea cow round up ranch! yehaa partner!

rangling those maanatee is my dream they are so gental, kind and double as a water bed! If i couldnt start a sea cow ranch then i would go in search of TOTOR!!!

OMG! he is fabulous!! i want all three of them plus the smiling kitty bus =D

Jake Kennedy...NEVER!
P.S. you have girl hair!

Buckethead said...

Buckethead would go to the drive-in movies and watch the movies through a hole in the fence. His Favorite movies were Giant Robot, and Monsters and Robots. He didn't have any sound, so he picked up a guitar and made his own soundtrack. Eventually he got really good at guitar. Then one day someone through a bucket of KFC in Buckethead's coup, just to be mean to him and the chickens. Nobody really knows what happened next, but that the next morning the bucket was empty, on top of Buckethead's head, and there war BBQ sauce around the mouth hole in his mask.

Then one day Buckethead burned down the chicken coup with a quart of gasoline. And to quote the song The Ballad of Buckethead,
"He did puppet shows on the corner,
and bought a real guitar,
and with the help of Colonel Sanders he's bound to be star because he was born in a coup, raised in a cage, children fear him and crititcs rage
He's Half alive
He's Half Dead
Folks Just Call Him BUCKETHEAD!"

Jake owes me a dollar.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

my weekend was fun.

Buckethead said...

Jacob Henry Kennedy's debt has been paid. Super Turbo Turkey Puncher, THREE!

Unknown said...

this weekend i got sick. i had a headache that felt like a small mexican baby was in my brain doing luchador wrestling. it was bad. then on saturday my brother went to prom at the opera house so me and my mom went to and had some delicous chiken katsu and some yaki-soba. mmmm yaki-soba. then she suprised me with tickets to monty pythons spam alot. it was quite amazing. i enjoyed it thouroughly (if thats how you spell it?).overall it was a great weekend