For written summaries of your country's system, check out this link.
For video clips describing your country's system, check out this link.
Now, on to your assignment:
After viewing the Frontline Documentary, I'm going to break you up into four groups representing one of the four country's we'll be studying:
1. The United Kingdom
2. Japan
3. Germany
4. Taiwan
In your group, you will need to work together to fill out your country's section of the handout.
Additionally, you will need to discuss the pro's and con's of your country's system. When we reconvene as a whole group, one representative from your group (the reporter) will report to the whole class your findings from the hand out and the strengths and weaknesses of your country's system.
As a culminating exercise, each of you will write an individual, one-page proposal to her or his Congressperson, advocating a specific set of recommendations to improve health insurance and care in the United States.
Good luck,
Sean barks when the moon is highest in the sky.
Research, congregate, and decide... fast! We (as in the American citizens) need medical assistance, better medical assistance that our privet employers provide.
I don't know what to do. We have large negative amounts of money in our government's pockets. So there is very little options to adapt, some I don't like.
My opinion is out... sorry.
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