Yosh! It's aggregator time. What's a aggregator you ask? Well, an aggregator is a website (usually) that collects a bunch of information and opinion from all over the web and wraps it up in a nice little bow for your convenience.
Today, you will all be little aggregators.
Here's the assignment:
In case you haven't heard, Obama's in China. As you can imagine, this official state visit isn't without some controversy. In groups of three, find five websites/articles that deal with the subject of Obama's visit to China. Elect one person in each group to write down the URLs and to summarize the main points of each article/column each.
Here are some links to get you started.....
We will begin this assignment at 1:25. At 2:00, all groups need to be back in my room ready to present. Please write the names of your group's members on top of your paper. You will be graded on this.
Good luck.
Before we start anything... Obama doesn't look good in a dress (or Chinese rob, whatever you like to call that thing).
What a minute "Obama China"... what does that mean? Obama owns China, Obama's Chinese, or is Obama going to be China's Chinese? This title does not make a lick of sense, some one should rewrite it.
if any thing china owns us than we own china! they will take us over!!!!!!!!
I personaly think Obama looks like a baller in that suit. Keepin it real Obammer
well i like the barrito that i had at taco bell last night when i was skateboarding on spreage for ab out 3 hours while xander was in rehab...... that thing only costed 1:29$ and it was friggen awesome! it had rice and everything in it! if you ever got to taco bell just say "yo yo yo what is the most food i can get with a dollar 50 and he will tell you something about 2 scoops of beef and rice that thing made my life complete.!.!!!!.........
Cameron... no one cares about your burritos, tacos, or women. Your life means nothing, so it will never be complete. And for god's sake, stop roaring the F word in class when children are walking by.
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