I know that you have all been watching the oil spill situation with some interest so i thought that i'd do a little research. What i found was interesting indeed. Here is the link to a BBC article that shows this spill in comparison to other devastating oil spills of history. On the top, is a map of all of the large spills, then this one. If you don't want to go to the site, i can tell you that this one isn't even in the top 50 biggest oil spills. Here is a list of all of the spills on the map.
1. Ixtoc 1: 476,000 tonnes Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico
2. Atlantic Empress: 287,000 tonnes Off Tobago, West Indies
3. Nowruz Oil Field: 272, 000 tonnes Persian Gulf
4. ABT Summer: 260,000 tonnes 700 nautical miles off Angola
5. Castillo de Bellver: 252,000 tonnes Off Saldanha Bay, South Africa
6. Amoco Cadiz: 223,000 tonnes off Brittany, France
7. Haven: 144,000 tonnes Genoa, Italy
8. Odyssey: 132,000 tonnes 700 nautical miles off Nova Scotia, Canada
9. Torrey Canyon: 119,000 tonnes Scilly Isles, UK
10. Sea Star: 115,000 tonnes Gulf of Oman
Exxon Valdez: 37,000 tonnes Prince William Sound, Alaska, US
Deepwater Horizon: 7,000 to 10,000 tonnes Gulf of Mexico
(BBC, 2010, Elena Egawhary)
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