Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/11 Letter: Events Leading Up to The Event - A Checklist

Pg. 30 -39

1.) Decade of conflict in Afghanistan (1979-1989)
2.) Bin Laden becomes leader of al Qaeda (pg. 35)
3.) 1990 - Bin Laden rebuffed in favor of an alliance with the US after offering to help Saudi Arabia retake Kuwait from Iraq
4.) 1991 - Bin Laden sets up shop in Sudan
5.) 1996 - 1999 al Qaeda's Renewal in Afghanistan (1996-1998)
* Trained 20,000 terrorists from 1996 to 9/11
* 1998 Bombing in Tanzania, Kenya
* 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen

That's a start.....


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