If it's the autumn of an election year, it's time for POLITICS! Which, in this day and age of course, means that it's time to argue with each other over the internets....hence this blog. For you RLA kids, this is the place to go as we countdown to Election Day 2012 (Which, BTW, is Tuesday, November 6th)
Anyway, here's the plan. As we wade our way through the various issues and races, we'll be posting our thoughts on this blog. And yes, I will be reading them. And yes, I will be grading you based on your posts (passion, clarity of thought, knowledge of the issues, validity of your argument, etc.)
Got it?
Up first is the case study of the Keystone XL Pipeline from your "refresher" reading on the Federal Government.
Here's the question: Regarding the Obama administration's handling of the Keystone XL Pipeline, give them a letter grade and explain why you gave it to them?
Got it? Give Obama a grade on his handling of Keystone XL and explain your rationale in the comment section below this post.
p.s. If you're so inclined, please feel free to respectfully comment on the posts of your classmates.