"A Nation Among Nations," by Thomas Bender
pp. 79 - 102: A Continuous War, 1754 - 1783; 1783; and The Age of Atlantic Revolutions
PPT Project: Due Tuesday, February 28th @ 11:00am - NO EXCEPTIONS; Presentations on Wednesday, February 29th.
Here's the plan...
Read pages 79 - 102 and take copious, detailed, and insightful notes. Either alone or with a partner (no trios!), compile a PPT demonstrating a clear understanding of the text in the context of teaching and learning American History in an international context.
9th and 10th Graders:
15 - 20 Slides
One photo or map per slide
Your theis must start and finish your PPT
Two out of the three primary source documents (North & South Columbia, Simon Bolivar, and Jose Marti) must be incorporated. Don't panic, I'll pass these out later.
Your PPT must also include a definition of "The Bolton Thesis" and whether or not you think it's even worth considering. Don't sweat this either, I'll teach you all about it on Thursday.
11th and 12th Graders
20 - 25 Slides
All three primary source documents must be included
All other requirements are the same, but I'm expecting work that represents your (alleged) intellectual maturity.
Questions? Come see me ASAP.
Get started, now.
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