Warren Jeffs, the so called "prophet" for some Mormons has followers all across America and even into Canada--but this comes with a price, the price to follow in the ways of polygamy. Soon after a phone call to authorities by a anonymous girl stating she had been abused by her "spiritual husband," a large police raid was called into actions that now is sparking controversy...So, after reading the article answer this question. Should the government forcefully disband a organisation because of a "single" abuse inside the organisation, only because of the idea of polygamy?
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The goverment should disband the organisation because even a 'single' abuse should be handled and if the caller is anonymous, then that's just a precaution the police have to take.
I feel that the goverment shoul be able to diband the organization no mater what it is. If there is abouse going on then there is the chance that it is happening to many others. isbanding the organization was somthing neccasary to do to find and help the girl or many girls that have been aboused in different ways.
Well Aaron. My freind. My comrade.
I think that the police have the right to raid that beezy. People may think that one call shouldnt have cause a chain reaction that lead to the raid. But one call can make a difference in someones life. If women are getting abused i think that its good that they raided that. Because if you think about that, is it really fair? The women and children are made to think that all outsiders are the devil and if they leave god wont accept them. What im trying to say in conclusion is call the ghostbusters. They will exterminate the pests.
No I dont think that the government should disband the group becouse of this insidence, the only reason that it happened was becouse a select few people in the organization not the whole group.
Everyone knows that these polygamist compounds reek of abuse. The fact the 16 year old girls are being forced to marry 50 year old men of Warren Jeffs choice or who ever is in charge now. And physical violence is fairly regular. A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL IS NOT EVEN LEGALLY AN ADULT!!! So it is not just because of one little incident, it was because of many reoccurring things.
Well kuribo jones, Polygamy is illegal in the United States of America. And think about it, which scenario seems worse, you are a child in foster care who has to put up with some abuse from people you have been placed with, or you are the son or daughter of a 50 year old man who has 3 wives some of which are only 16 years old or less, and you have to live with the fact that he rapes them if they won't cooperate, or think about the wives themselves, they have no say in who they marry or how old their husband is or even how old they are when they marry. Even from a young age the girls are brainwashed to be submissive to men, and how do you think they deal with disobedience?
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prophet my ssa! [read backwards] That guy and all of the "spiritual husbands" should go through the same thing as those 12-16 year old wives been through and be stoned [as in rocks] pass their limits... sdratsab! I can't take this much crap without curesing, huh, I think I just gave out my answer.
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