Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let's Procrastinate.......on Second Thought, Let's Not. I Just Want to Sit Here.

To all the young procrastinators out there in RLA land, your bible has just been published on-line. Congratulations. Anyway, check this out and let me know what you think.



Spanish said...

Reading the article was quiet interesting. It is probably bad but I understand everything that the man was saying because I guess I am a procrastinator. I feel that it is funny how we can see that we are doing it but have a hard time changing it. Maybe we should crack down and change it but I know we will probably just procrastinate about it and not do so. But we are in a way valuable because though we don’t get it done right away we do when it is close to the deadline break down and concentrate to get it done if not fully correct we get it done well at least.

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

no comment.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

I'm a straigh up procrasinator dog. Straigh up G money. So ya foo, i can relate to this homies lyrics.

Murphs said...

I'm totally going to do something about this! Tomorrow...

We Middle East Beasts Plays For Keeps, yoe foows said...

....yeahhhh...I am definitely a procrastinator, but hey I get the work done by the dead line and learn huge mega loads of usefull information between. So whoever opposes...i hope you go to hell because I am definitely more intelligent(not very good at english though)than you....and if I'm not on your very specific topic ...give me 18 minutes.

Peace To The World

kibbles said...

Hi! I'm Kibbles, and I'm a procrastinator.

Yay! We've all successfully completed step one in the twelve step program: Admitting that we are powerless over procrastination- Our lives have become unmanageable.