Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Right-i-o, kiddies. This week's down-to-the-wire debate topic is Physician Assisted Suicide. DUNDUNDUN.
M'kay. So here's your official statement. You either agree or disagree, but only after you've read at least one of my links!

Terminally ill, competent, adult Washington residents, who are medically predicted to have six months or less to live should have the right to request and self-administer lethal medication prescribed by a physicians.

Read, then comment! You don't comment, you don't debate!


The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

I believe that PAS should 100% be legal. If someone is dying to live but they knew that they didn't have any hope then why go through all the suffering to get to the same ending, DEATH. When you see an animal almost dead and you know that it will die what will you do? Will you end it's suffering there or let it slowly die. I am sure if animals could speak it would say something like, "what the heck are you doing kill me now". If i were to be perminantly ill or terminally ill, even if i could live many years but those years would be in a hospital i would want to die. But that doesn't matter my point is that PAS should be legal.

Anonymous said...
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ジョル said...

A physicians? C'mon, I expected better than that. Anyways, I'm not entirely sure where I stand on this. I mean I suppose it would be 'wrong' or whatever to let people kill themselves, but what about our economy? The months these people stay in hospital care costs a lot of money. I don't know. I suppose I'll argue that side.

Ziggy Warsex said...

it should be legal... they cant do it in public they have to inform family... they have to have some one make sure they really want it... and further more its good for the economy like joel said.

Unknown said...

i think that it should be a personal choice. why would you say no? there are some people who want to die but may not have the mental or physical strength to do it by other means. i guess thats all i have to say.

Lolami said...

Moral dilemmas aside; how much does this said ‘coup de grace’ cost? I mean treatments for terminal ailments are already very expensive and also I’m guessing it would be fairly difficult for someone to get their health insurance to even cover such a procedure. Not to mention finding a doctor eligible AND willing to administer the lethal medication. Even if PAS were to become legalized I doubt many would be able to get the injection being that they’d probably be dead and buried by the time their insurer approved of it.

JuiceBx said...

Stupid, dum, rediculous! If you have six months left I say people should use that six months to do somthing that they always wanted to do (watch Bucket List). Over all, I think suicide is dum and I think assisted suicide is really stupid.

We Middle East Beasts Plays For Keeps, yoe foows said...

Im really not sure where Im at in this subject, but from what ive researched I leaning towards no. I think there is many loop holes in the motion, and from this I think many people will die unjustly, but hey look at capital punishment.

I hope to learn more.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

I think that we shouldnt have access to assisteed suicide because people have alot of days ahead of them to think about how to change their lives and if they commit suicide they dont have the oppurtunity to change it.

Murphs said...

Pro side won 12-6!

Anonymous said...

OK, I think PAS should be legal.

Unknown said...

uhhh..... get sum