The debate topic this week has to do with the drug, CAFFEINE! When you get a minute, head over to Ned's room and check out the latest issue of "Current Events." The cover story, "Jittery," contains all the information to need to form a well-reasoned opinion on the following statement. After you've spent some time thinking about your opinion, post it on the blog.
In the interest of creating a positive study environment and to be fair to students who don't drink these kinds of beverages, students at RLA should be prevented from drinking engergy drinks such as AMP, RockStar, Monster, FIXX, SoBe NoFear, and Red Bull.
i think that energy drinks are just a cheap way for kids to think that they are badass. honestly, what positive effects do energy drinks have? they shrink the frontal lobe, and taste like crap. they serve zero purpose and are slowly killing our minds. just my .02 cents
I believe energy drinks are good for people who need a jump start in the morning and don't like coffee.
let us have our energy drinks.
You do know that benifits of caffiene (if there are any) are fully outwieghed by the negatives of the other ingredients in the drink, right? i think that they should be banned at school and shouldnt be consumed at all.
I think that they should be banned. It sounds like a stupid thing to say to me but they should be due to the fact that alot of kids at our school get distracted to easily and when its time to sit down and work your filled with energy and will most likely end up talking to someone and then everyone else has to listen to your nonsense. I think that if someone is caught with an energy drink we should have a public hanging. hoorah! Who - Rah!
I think that caffeine should not be baned because it helps me in math class and/or tests/quizs, by keeping me alert. Because I take medicean at night that nocks me out cold, makeing waking up in the morning and listening to the Advisors difficult as h#$@, I need caffeine to help me do better in my ejucation and waking up in the moring. Unfortunately, it does shorten my memory as soon as I take the two Mountain Dew.
Energy drinks are probably bad for you but you only live once right?
So in my opinion they should keep them just like cigarettes.They are legal and you can still smoke them even tho they cause cancer and a hole shit load of diseases. peace out homies
I think that energy drinks should be banned from RLA, at least in the morning hours.
I stand for the greater good, the best of our school and what is left of the good in our world. Energy drinks are most certainly too vile and filthy for anyone, if anyone Rla students.Maybe its acceptable for people who want to get an extra physical boost.
To last the last Breath
At RLA I think energy drinks should be banned. We have a hard enough time concentrating already...
"I need caffeine to help me do better in my ejucation" point proven
Drinking energy drinks are like the indie-version of being cool. A Monster is like a hipster's version annoyingly large medallion.
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