Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just wanted your opinion

I would like to ask a question to all of you, after you answer the question could you respond to others, similar to a little debate......do note that this is serious.

A random Arab is between you and Bin laden and the only way to kill him is to shoot through the Arab and thus taking Binladen and the Arabs life. What would you do? Would you take the life of an innocent to kill a murderer? Bring justice by being unjust......avenge those innocent who he killed by killing an innocent. What if there was two in the way or three, ten, 500 or even 1,000,000.....what would you do? Do you have a specific amount that you would kill? And if it was a person from Russia, Canada, or even the USA would it be the same? If you hate something so much could you defy your own morals to destroy it? Revenge and justice are two completely different ideas...revenge with justice....or revenge with blind hatred.

I'm not trying to relate this to today's wars, I just want a reality check....see where I am compared to other Americans. To see how good of an American I really am.

I will hold this against you so Please I want your true opinion


Murphs said...

My good sir, it does not matter what the nationality of the person 'twixt me and Mr. Bin Laden is, and I am slightly affronted that we automatically assume that the person in question would necessarily kill Mr. Bin Laden. It is indeed for the US court system to bring him to his (public) and untimely end. Thank goodness we still support capital punishment.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

Go capital punishment woot!

Unknown said...

i believe that i wouldnt do it for the simple fact that its osama bin laden. he is no mastermind of terrorism, he raises money for terrorism. if it was someone truly evil like hitler, or celine dion then yes i would. one life given for 2 million saved? definetly. call me what you like, but the numbers are what matter.

Unknown said...

im watching a show on the history channel about the gas bombings of Iran, and these kids skin is burning and peeling away. so yes, i would definitly shoot through one person to save hose people anyday.

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

it's the same as when we bombed japan with the atomic bomb, we could have bombed a army base, but instead we bombed civilans to force japan to surender. wither it was the right thing to do or not is still undesiced, but it did end the war. think about that.

Unknown said...

the nuclear bombing werent as bad as the fire bombings, and the goverment surrendered, but the military did not. it saved more lives than it destroyed. plus, i think that even if there will always be evil, we should at least try to save a few lives.

Stoicned said...

Jake is bringing the rhetorical fire. Nice work.

JuiceBx said...

If we kill one evil being, then another one will come so we have to go through the same process. This life that humans lives is pointless, we can't seatl our differences and we won't stop killing each other. In the end, humanity will die by its people's choices.

Unknown said...

no, it will die by the choices of those who do evil unto others. if we do not cut off the hed of this snake it will grow out of control. that is why we fight for the rights of others, that is why we will continue to fight until we cannot fight any longer. if we dont stand for richeousness and justice then we become what we hate. sometimes violence is a gateway to peace. to think that you may let the evil go unchallenged is foolish. if they resot to violence then we must do whatever it takes to stop them. if that means a war then so be it. we will give them war, but do not think for a second that we will ever stop fighting for what is right.

justmy .02 cents

We Middle East Beasts Plays For Keeps, yoe foows said...

People Im not talking about killing the enemy to win a war, I talking about killing someone innocent, like a fellow American, to kill a murderer, to a avenged to innocent he killed.

Unknown said...

one innocent killed to save or avenge 100 is the right thing. i will go further in depth if asked why, but i dont have the effort to type it out right now...MEHHH