Week# 24: SPECIAL EDITION; Promotion
Effective, 1 February 2009, the President of the United States has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity, and abilities of Robert Joseph Miceli. In view of these qualities and his demonstrated potential for increased responsibility, he is therefore promoted in the United States Army to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
For those of you not familiar with military protocol, these words are written on the actual promotion order. The words are succinct, direct and powerful. Therefore, in light of this special occasion, I find myself diverting from my usual weekly reminisce. Instead, I wanted to take the time to say, Thank You. And although I cannot think of a better place but here on the battlefield to receive such an honor, please know that if I were with you on this day, you would hear these words
First, I would be remiss if I did not give both praise and overwhelming gratitude for the multiple blessings I have received from above. The Lord has truly graced me with opportunity, and while never leaving my side, His presence and my faith have only grown stronger over the years.
To say I would not be where I am today, if not for my parents, is an understatement. I inherited my mothers attention to detail, coupled with her competitive and decisive nature, not to mention my short-fused Italian temper. My father, being the consummate professional and retired Non-Commissioned Officer in the United States Air Force, for years challenged both my problem analysis and critical thinking abilities; not to mention teaching me when to get my hands dirty. He taught me to never tell someone to do something unless you were willing to do it yourself and set the standard with both honor and integrity.
For seventeen years, I have had the absolute best of the US Armys Non-Commissioned Officer Corps working alongside me. Without their wisdom and guidance, many of our great missions would not have been so successful. To my fellow officers, senior officers and commanders; like many, I have learned what not to do and what right looks like. But it would only be most appropriate to give a special thanks to those senior officers who took the risk and time to give me those opportunities in which to excel; it is their trust and confidence I will always value. It is because of these great men and women, I strongly believe in the coach, mentor and teach philosophy with others.
Thank you to all those Government Civilians who have supported me in my military endeavors and in many cases held perspectives that were often invaluable insights which resulted in tremendous contributions. And to those contractors, that regardless of employer, I could never dispute their patriotism, loyalties and unwavering devotion in supporting the warfighter, both on and off the battlefield.
To my bedrock, my fountain of youth, my source of love and purpose in this precious life; my family! For my children, who have always given love unconditionally and have given me the sense of completeness to this life; daddy wants to thank you. And to my wife, who without hesitation, agreed to join me on this unpredictable journey, never knowing where the road would led or end. She has been both my motivation and encouragement, without her love, I would have been lost 13 years ago!
This promotion would not have been possible if not for all these things mentioned. Individually, I am eternally grateful; collectively I stand here today a better man and a better officer.
And finally, to my fellow Knights of Columbus This deployment, like many others, has reinforced my unwavering stance that together, we can remove the darkness of this world and make a difference for the better, both in our own lives and the lives of others. And as we gather others to join our ranks and purpose, never cast doubt, but know that our unity and our light, grows stronger as the darkness grows weary and fades. The Lord has placed me here and now, for His plans, not mine. I trust He will keep me safe and yet whatever lies ahead, like a soldier in the Army who follows orders, we all must know when, as soldiers in the faith, to accept the path He has set before us and finish the mission.
In Service to One. In Service to All.
Robert J. Miceli
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army
He was a Major.