Now that you've seen the speech, I want to hear your thoughts on President Obama's first "State of The Union" address.
1. What specific plans and promises did Obama set forth for the economy, energy policy, the environment, education, foreign policy, and health care?
2. If you had to grade Obama's performance and leadership, what would you give him and why? A? B? C? D? F?
Once you've answered these two questions, you can mull over tomorrow morning's debate topics:
"Is Obama promising too much? Can he possibly deliver? Do the Republicans have a point?"
Obama delivered a good speach I wish that all he said would happen.
Economy: Obama states that he wants to hold the banks responsible for their own crashes they create. He also wants us to quit spending money that we dont have on things that are more expensive than what we have in our pocket. He also wants to cut taxes of our citizens.
Enviorment: He wants us to bring back alternative energy in a new 21st century way. Invest in newer technology and catch up with Japan and Germany's alternative energy. He also wants to double energy by 2010.
Education: He says that not paying attention in school hurts our country. He wants to decrease highschool dropouts. If we server our community/country obama will help us into college (G.I. bill)
Foreign Policy: Obama wants to end the war smartly. He also wants to put troops in pakistan and afghanistan? Take away our outdated weapon systems and erase torture from our tactics.
I would give him an B. He has good ideas and like I said above I hope he follows through with what he says.
first of all, i would like to say that Obama delivered a great speech, but nancy peloski is insane.
The economy: obama thinks that the problems with the economy, are that we have too much of our assets in foreign countrys, we have been giving out and taking loans that we cannot afford, we have too much short term spending, and we have a so called credit crunch. his solution to these issues is the new stimulus package which will give people who make uner a quarter of a millipon dollars tax cuts, and it will distribute $800 billion dollars to the public systems.
Education: our problems with education, is that we spend the most money on education in the world, but we have the largest number of dropouts. also, half of our college students dont finish their schooling, and we just dont care. obamas plan to fix this is giving charter schools more funding, giving stimulous money to education, and making loans more available to students.
Foreign policy: our current problems with foreign policy are to vast to list so i will just name a few that are obvious. the conflict in isreal, iraq, afghanistan and pakistan, old weapons systems, torture, and lack of healthcare for soldiers. obama wants to send our troops to afghanistan and pakistan while negotiating peace in Iraq, provide effective healthcare to the soldiers, get rid of old inneficient weapons systems, and disban torture.
Energy/enviroment: our problems with energy and the enviroment are that we dont have enough green energy, we rely too much on foreign sources, and we dont have localized oil drilling. Obama wants to create more jobs by promoting green energy, produce our own products without foreign reliance, and to start drilling for oil localy. he plans to spend $15 billion on this plan.
I feel that Obama can cut taxes and solve the economic crissis.
he wants to hold banks to be responsible for their actions. and with the enviroment he will invest in green and eco-friendly companies and products which will revolutionize americas technological phase. He will get america caught up with countries like Germany and Japan. He will also, increase our graduation rate and create a way for every american to have an education after highschool and help us get jobs. He will stop companies from usiing labor outside of our borders by cutting their tax breaks. He will influence us to work hard and strive for rigor, for if we fail our whole country will fail. His foreign policy will focus on getting us out of iraq and focusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan by getting rid of the hiding terrorist and BRING THEM TO JUSTICE!!!
For every child there will be health care and he cant wait, should not wait and, he will not wait. We will make health care affordable for everyone.
Obama makes a huge amount of promises such as; he wants to help banks and wants to start new jobs, 97% of working Americans will receive tax cuts, and obama stated that it is not about helping banks but helping the people. The United States has the highest drop out rate. Obama would like to "create new incentives for teacher performance and support for innovative education programs." He would also like us to complete a year or more of higher education or carrer training. If you volunteer or serve country they will pay for higher education.
I would give Obama a B, because he made a lot of promises and I need to see improvment and some of the promises put in motion before he deserves an A.
Obama promises to refeorm and change just about everything. He has decided to socialize health care and medicine so everyone can have it. To stop the ravaging effects of Al Gore's speeches he says we will convert all of our energy to clean renewable power. He will help education by providing relief and funds for people to go to college.As far as Iraq goes we are pulling out so we can send the troops to Afghanistan.
If I had to grade Obama on his performance I would grade him at a B or C, I think he accomplished what he set out to do, but not in a spectacular way.
Evironment: Concerning the environment, Obama hopes to expand our use of clean and renewable energy. It is also his goal to double the ammount of renewable energy that we use by the year
2010. Obama also wants America to invest in newer more refined technologies.
Foreign Policy: President Obama plans to pull out troops and end the war in Iraq. Following this he intends to send troops to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Abolishing torture and removing outdated weapon systems is also included in Obama's plan.
Education: By dropping out of highschool, we not only fail ourselves, but we fail our country as well. Obama hopes to decrease the ammount of highschool dropouts in America. He also plans to make colloege more available and affordableto average American students.
Health Care: Obama wants to make changes with health care, such as lowering the costs and making it more available to everyone.
I think Obama has made a great deal of large promises that I doubt he can honestly keep. I give him a 6 out of 10.
*ECONOMY: Obama promised tax cuts for those who make over 250,000 dollars, those who make less will not see a dime less. He also stated that we need to start holding people and banks accountable and stop spending money we do not have to spend.
*Energy/Enviornment: Presidant Obama believes the energy is one of the three key investment that will help us with budgeting. He says that we need to back the lead in using alternative energy and start makeing these products with in the United States. he states that he will double the use of alternative energy with in half his term.
*Education: Education starts at home. Obama says we need to read to are kids more and make schooling more accessable to children around the United States. the drop out right has become unbelievable. Obama wants to make loans more available so collage will become more accessable.
*Foreign Policy: What i got from the speech on foreign policy was that we have two wars going on and we are shutting one down and moving the soldiers to the other. the other thing i cought was that we needed to stop using cold war techniques and use modern. i'm not really sure what that all consists of
I personaly think that Obama promises too much. You can't throw pearls before swine. He promises tostart new jobs, help banks,yet we have the highest dropout rate and are losing jobs quicker than ever. He promises to "create new incentives for teacher performance and support for innovative education programs." and if you volenteer to serve the country than you will get an ewducation. He also wants to convert all of our energy to clean renewable power.
If I had to grade Obama I would give him a c+. If he he walks the walk I would give him an A.
i don't know what to think. no offence to anyone but i'm not much into polotics, so i dont know what to think of Obama's promises.
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