Myself and a few other people (mainly the woman folk) would very much appreciate keeping Halo, Left for dead and other violent video game CRAP off the blog! We already hear you flap your traps about pointless video games and events that have happened, you want to happen or will never happen. So please for the sake of my sanity, avoid video game posts, pictures and any other paraphernalia that even slightly suggests vidoe game usage! In other words, if you dont stop posting crap on the blog, i will find you and make you eat your words!
Thank you for your time, but then again you have probably wasted 90% of your time on video games eating cheetos and cup-o-noodle in your parents (the only real friends you have) basements!
Whoa, whoa, whoa... now wait a minute. This picture symbolizes our school's success. How does it? If you look closely, you will realize that the humans a pushing themselves forward even when all of the odds are against them... that definitely implies to our school. "READ BETWEEN THE LINES!" one would say. Plus, that picture is pretty awesome... I think this CGI Animated picture will boost up our moral, if we let go of our grudges.
You know what annoys me, it's when people try to take over other people's conversations. Yes, it is annoying that the video game nerds talk about Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, but, we can not change their interests just because we don't like it... that is known as dictatorship, which is what the Student Government does not have the right to use (if you catch my drift, Vice President).
Hilary you really have no place speak because while people may talk about games, you onthe other hand, will watch uneducational youtube videos all the time(stupid animated political figures thing, emo dude, and let’s not forget that the amazing adventure with a rainbow unicorn and the talking dog)and that’s not all, not only do you watch those videos during school while texting, you tell other people to be quite because they were disrupting your youtube experience. So before you start criiticizing what people talk and read about, you really should take care of your youtube obsession. ( I bet you 50 bucks your response to this will not be you denying the statement as a whole, but the combination of jib jab, hypocrisy, and the regular criticism of a few things, all in all i win.....HELL YEAH!!....FOR KEEPS YOH...uh...yeahe….. GET SUM
That is what I would call: freakin owned!
Whaleologist Doctor Ned Fadeley is an imposter hes actually the captain of the whale wars team.
man oh man and the funniest part is that shes our vice president! AHAHAHAHA!!!!! WHAT A JOKE!!!!!
....yeah for keeps yo....uh get sum....hell yeahe keep it real my fools
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