Friday, January 29, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss?

So now that you're all thoroughly confused by the very existence of North Korea and it's particular style of revolutionary socialism, there's a philosophical question I'd like you to ponder. Post your answer in the comments section of the blog. It will be graded.

Question: Is ignorance truly bliss? Is it better, in your opinion, to have access to all of the information in the world without a sense of happiness or personal fulfillment (like us), or to be largely ignorant about the world but seemingly happy and fulfilled by your love for family and country (like them)?


Yasu said...

I believe that as an american that I don't have the persective to fully understand the way that the North Koreans think and the reason they behave the way they do. Also I was thinking that because the Koreans are told not quite truth about us then I believe the same true. So based on what little perspective and information I have I belive that the Koreans live a very seltered live but want it. Also because the fact that they reliy on each other as a whole then I belive that the state of mind that they possess is right for them no matter how unreasonable that seems to use americans as a whole. I also think that because being Independent and growing up that way, americans have and possess a very different way of thinking because of this the life style that the Koreans live is strange and not right in our eyes. But the Koreans live and respect that way of thinking to their fullest because they see the way that Americans keep forcing american Ideals on others and the Koreans dont want to think that way nor do they want to act that way.

Stoicned said...

Nice work Jackie!

Unknown said...

this is a toughie. i think that ignorance is not bliss. i think that no matter how bad the world is and how material it is, you should have the right to know. plus their ignorance isnt good for us. they hate us because of their goverments propaganda and lies. thats a huge threat to us. after watching those soldiers marching and hearing about their hate for us, it honestly scares me.

muhammed said...

Ignorance is not bliss in thier case, because I would rather know whats going on in the world then to live in this make believe world where you think everythings okay, but its not. What happens when the koreans realize none of the things thier leaders tell them were true, how confusing will it be for them to when the vail is torn? Me personaly I would hate to live a life shrouded by lies.

Anonymous said...

i think that it would be better to be ignorant, in america we strive to please, like insects to the queen except for us there is no queen, just a shadow that we chase for the rest of our lives never finding happiness

Griffin R. S. said...

As I (Griffin Stiles) was taking my tea time with the Earl of Sandwich, I (Griffin Stiles) stumbled across this post. "Is ignorance bliss?" I (Griffin Stiles) asked myself (Griffin Stiles) ponderously. After much deliberation I (Griffin Stiles) made a decision. "Never!" I (Griffin Stiles) proclaimed! "Knowledge is power and one can never have enough power! North Korea it a fine example of this! My good Earl, did you know that the North Koreans are brainwashed within an inch of their sanity? They do not know this of course but from an outsides observers viewpoint it is OBVIOUS!" It was at this time that I (Griffin Stiles) was struck by the North Koreans worship of their leader. I (Griffin Stiles) then decided to look a bit further into to this subject's true meaning. My end result was that North Korea is the largest threat in the world ad must be watched constantly. The North Koreans blind following means that the are likely to do whatever commanded as long as it bears their leader's mark. Why would they do this? Ignorance. Ignorance is never bliss. I (Griffin Stiles) would rather be miserable but have free access to all the information of the world than be brainwashed and have literally no outside contact apart from my small and corrupt country. Too much death has been caused because of simple ignorance.

Long Live Freedom!

That is all.

Griffin Stiles