Let's be honest: not many people like George W. Bush.
Now, you can argue over whether the overwhelming negativity directed towards our President is the result of Mr. Bush's own mistakes, massive media bias, simple partisan hatred, or a complex reflection of our own insecurities and fears about the word. What you can't argue, however, is that he isn't the most popular guy in the global neighborhood.....except in Africa, that is.
For today's blog, please read this article and answer the following set of questions as fairly as you can:
Why is President Bush so well liked in Africa? Do you think he deserves this praise? Do you think all of the negativity directed towards President Bush in America is justified, or do you think we should cut the man some slack considering the state of the world he inherited on September 11th, 2001?
President Bush is well liked in Africa because of his influence in the eradication of AIDS and other wide-spread disease. He is well-deserving in the praise received for this aspect in his presidency. He should definitely be cut some slack in regards to the actions taken after 9/11, HOWEVER he should be held to full responsibility in all actions otherwise. Do you pardon the person whose parent died two years after the event for an action of today?
In answer to your question, yes.
I think he does deserve the praise
and you should give every president credit. They have to make very hard desions, do you think you can do better? Everyone makes mastakes, clinten for example lied to the whole country about having an affair with his secretary. It happens, it shouldn't but it happens, also it wasn't Bushes fault that 9/11 just happend to be on the day as President Bush was their!!!
President Bush is liked in africa because he has helped africa fight aids and malaria. I think he does deserve the praise because we always hear about africa not being very well off and hear about deaths from aids,malaria and other diseases. Anything like that could help africa and I think bush is just like every other person who has helped out africa. As for being cut some slack i think that bush was just a president caught in a bad time. That is when a president should stand up and do the best to there abilitys. He hasnt made great decisions but with all that pressure on your back how would you do?
I think that the main reason that President Bush is bashed so much is because he seems just so stupid. "I here there are rumors on the internets".
it's just somthing his father tryed to do and he is doing it too!
like father,like son!
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