Well, that was depressing. Please respond to this post with a detailed description of what went wrong in Iraq according to the makers for the documentary. After you've done that, please answer the following questions:
Considering how badly the Pentagon screwed up Iraq, do we owe it to the Iraqi people to remain Iraq until the country is stable, peaceful, and prosperous? Or, considering how badly the Pentagon screwed up Iraq, do we owe to the Iraqi people to leave ASAP?
What's your take?
According to the documentary the main thing that went wrong was Bremer disbanding the Iraqi miltary. S1uddenly there are 160,000 armed pe1rsonal who are angry at the U.S. That is, according to the documentary, when the roadside bombs started.
As for the question I have a hard answering this. On one hand I think that we should stay, but i don't know what we could do other than killing all that opposes us. If we leave people will change their attention from us to each other. Very complicated I think and either way somebody looses.
Considering the epic failure of the Pentagon in relation to Iraq, we owe it to the Iraqi people to leave as quickly as possible without leaving a vacuum. As we all know, nature abhors them.
well, i think the fact that we went in without any consideration, and ignored everyone giving us some half decent advice was one of the main issues. allso i believe that disbanding the military was a vital mistake as well.
as for the future of iraq, i think that we need to regroup, and get out. all were doing is damadge.
yes your are right! it was depressing!
that what went wrong in iraq........EVERYTHING!
we should'nt have been there! we had no right to be there, so why go? why fight? for your contry? no, they fight for politics! the dumb a$$ Politicians! that what we are fighting for!
Leave their land and go to were? It would be nice for the people to leave this place but were can they go?
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