Monday, September 22, 2008

Baggy Pants Laws

So loyal and not-so-loyal bloggers,
Lend me your eyes for a moment. This week's Thursday Debate is allegedly going to be on laws prohibiting baggy pants. Read at least one of the articles below, and make your decision, should there be laws against it? Freedom of expression? Decide and tell me!

Yahoo News

USA Today

Read at least one before commenting!

Boxingly yours,


kibbles said...

People in their fourties who have nothing better to do should not be allowed to "clean up" the appearance of young people with "senior citizens are afraid of you" as an excuse. While I will agree that many people who don't maintain appearances are likely unemployed, failing in school, involved with the "wrong crowd", pulling up their pants won't do anything about their other shortcomings.

Unknown said...

Its definitely not a look that I personally like, or would wear, but I don't think clothing styles should be banned... Even if it is somehow linked to whatever they try to blame it on. I think that falls under the free country rule, and since they aren't walking around nude...

"But for those who want to stop the fashion see it as an indecent, sloppy trend that is a bad influence on children."

Lulul Bad influence. I think children are a bad influence on me

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

I admit i wear my pants below the "normal" position, but I still dont like seeing people with there ass half hanging out. But they cant do anything about keeping peoples pants up. They cant really make a case in court because someone's pants were below their waste. Ha Ha Ha. This is a funny article.

well formed error said...

It is stupid that they are trying to pass a law like this. What if something they liked was outlawed. They should just leave it alone. All they are doing is making teenagers mad and they are doing a good job at it.

Unknown said...

i think that people should wear their pants up, but i dont think that it is the job of our government to enforce a law about your fashion statement. also i think that the part of the article on cnn that said it was racial profiling is a load of crap. look at paul for example. he is extremely white, and he wears his pants low. overall i think that you cant control peoples looks, no matter how ridiculous it is.

~Miranda May~ said...

I think that baggy pants shouldn't be aloud. THink of all the little kids out there who have to see that. Let them be pure as long as they can.

Ziggy Warsex said...

Not a very well organized debate