I am severely put out by your participation, or rather, lack thereof. I have only got six comments on the post concerning the baggy-pants issue. There are fourteen approved authors for the blog (besides Ned and I) and twenty-four pending invitations. That means that twenty-four of you didn't even bother to check the mail given to me to accept the invitation I sent you.
I am put out. This means that only eight people--I will assume Ned read at least one of the articles--were qualified to debate today. This is very disheartening, RLA.
Upset'dly yours,
PS: RLA, get some grammar skills! I think there are sign-language monkeys with better grammar than you.
Srsly?! There's sign language grammar?! That excites me. Tangible grammar. What a sexy sexy concept.
Mah grammer skillz aree pwnsome
wut chu talkin bout willis
Yep. Teh internets are 'srs bsns'
(On a side note, I think our next debate should be about waffles.)
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