Now that you've heard the speech, we want to know what you think. Is Obama doing the right thing by sending an additional 30,000 American soldiers to Afghanistan to destroy Al Qaeda and break the back of The Taliban?
In a well-written paragraph, please explain your opinion on this subject. (Oh yeah, put YOUR NAME at the bottom of your post so you can receive credit)
i have mixed fealings about this whole thing, we need MORE troops, but his plan is to have the troops to be Diplomats when they should be Soldiers, killing the enemy's of America.
i think that Obama is doing the right thing to a point, we should slowly pull out our forces during and after we help the afgans build up their defences.
I feel that we need to send more troops over there to just wipe out the taliban and other extremists we need to just wipe them out and help build up the country
I Believe that the troop increase is a good and bad thing, good because the American troops are moving into Afgahnistan instead of staying in Iraq and that means that they are heading where they should have been in the first place. A bad idea becasue more soldiers mean more deaths and America has already suffered enough casualties as there is. GO AMERICA! USA! USA! USA!
I thinkn that Obama is doing the rightything by sending 30,000 troops over to Afghanistan, its expensive but with the screwed up government and the taliban screwing with government more and more. if it takes the 30,000 people to end this stupid fued then do it.
I support Obama in this decision all the way. As Thilo pointed out, if we don't deal with this problem now it will grow until it is too large to manage. Not only that, but I feel that we need to exact justice on Al Qaeda for the events of 9/11. If we stop now Al Qaeda will have essentially get away with not only 9/11, but all the other acts of terrorism. Not only that but the terrorist would be free to wreck havoc on the world, including more attacks against the United States. If I recall the original 9/11 attacks were unprovoked and now that we have attacked back, pulling out before they are destroyed would surly prompt more brutal attacks. Go America!
Donovan Meinzinger
To be perfectly honest, I am very diasppointed in our president. We should be pulling out completely. I am wondering what political campaigne sponsor has threatened to sue him if he didnt stay in this war! Conspiracies and white washes my friends, simple as that!
Over all, let's just bail on this shizz and come in and clean up after, if there's anything left. America should'nt be playing big brother to the middle east let them go back to their old ways. Just beacuse they dont share the same government system or religion doesnt mean we need to go in and irraticate their way of life, we will just end up killing them. Thats all i got Ned/RLA...
Team America World Police!
I believe that the 30,000 troop increase is some what a good solution. The end of the war means pushing forward out of Iraq into Afgahnistan. Then again the marine core is not the peace core.
I am undecided about Obama's decision. On one hand, The Taliban’s back will be difficult, if not impossible, to break, and if history repeats itself, 30,000 troops will not be enough. On the other hand, pulling troops out of Iraq is a rather diplomatic decision and maybe, just maybe, we can make a dent in Afghanistan. However, I have strong doubts about this, and Obama will most likely be signing 30,000 letters to 30,000 families who've lost their family members to the war.
I'm sure that we cannot completely defeat Al Qaeda, and we're just sending our people to die. It only makes matters worse that America needs to police the world and no one other than a small amount from NATO is offering any help whatsoever. I'm just frustrated. My country has been at this pointless war for most of my life, and it seems like not much has been accomplished.
I feel that it is necessary to send additional troops to Afghanistan. Also i believe it is good that President Obama has a clearly established goal. However, i do feel that rather than setting a date in stone on which we will retreat Afghanistan as well as Pakistan we should wait and assess our progress along the way.
I feel that the situation in Afghanistan has to positive outcomes, pull out and leave them be or send more troops and get the job done. I just want the desicion to be made, no more standing around. Now that the desicion is made we need to stick to it until the job is done otherwise we will have just wasted our time. Those of you who want us to pull out need to understand now that more troops aare going we may be there a will longer and it is to late to cut our losses.
Caleb the proud Capitalist
Hey hilary! What a good idea, lets just let the terrorist groups go. We don't need to stop them right? I mean we left them alone before and then boom 9/11 so lets do it again eh? Maybe they will retreive a nuke from pakistan and it won't be our headache right? We pulled out cause we don't want to force them to follow our judicial system? I mean obama didn't even want to do this? "I am wondering what political campaigne sponsor has threatened to sue him if he didnt stay in this war! Conspiracies and white washes my friends, simple as that!"
Wow i thought i just saw Obama look at me in the eyes and tell me his plan but i mean what does that prove.
jim dangle
I think sending more troops to Afghanistan is not a good decision, but it's necessary. If America does not try to finally end this war now, nobody will. If Al Qaeda is not stopped now, they will get bigger and more powerful. Right now the problem with Al Qaeda is at a point, were Al Qaeda can still be stopped. In 5 years they might be to big to be stopped by 30.000 troops. A lot more troops would be required to hold up national security, there would be a lot more killed soldiers and a longer war.
I think it would be not correct, to do nothing and let Al Qaeda get stronger. Right now we can solve this problem, but who knows if our children in 20 years would be able to deal with it.
When we sent our troops into Iraq, we successfully extracted the terrorists and established a government that would give the Iraqi people a chance to speak out and direct their own future. The people in Iraq can now have a democratic lifestyle in which gives them the chance, the hope, to fulfill their dreams.
Now, why should we not give the Afghans a chance to have democracy? Why should we let terrorism control the people in Afghanistan? Afghanistan needs our help, our allies help, and even the UN's help.
As a country that prides itself on democracy, we are obligated to help these people, to give them a chance on what their lives can truly be like if they have democracy in their government. Afghanistan can be more then just a harbor for terrorists.
We can not give in to these terrorist's demands for power and control. Not to these extremists... not to these mad men. We are one of the world's greatest powers, we can defeat Al-Qaida, and we will stop this war of terrorism
Awesome Jassem
I think that it is a good thing Obama is sending in the extra troops. we need to go in and help to establish a more stable government, stop th taliban from aquiring nuclear weapons, and give the lower ranks of the taliban a peaceful alternative to the lifestyle they are leading. ife we dont do this now it will only get worse, until it is an uncontrolable situation. and i know many people will say that we dont have the money and we cant risk the lives of our troops. if we dont act now the cost will just become greater, and think of how many may die if we dont act now. after all arent we america? defenders of what is right? dont we believe that human liberties and justice go before all else? or maybe im wrong and were going to be just like another european country that will gripe and moan about the situation but never take any action. in 2001 a tragic attack took place, and now we are doing what bush should have done in the first place. go to afghanistan to stop the taliban.
I agree with Thilo, I don’t think it is a good idea but it is necessary. I think it was good that Obama spend three months deciding whether or not to send these troops, which means his decision was final and thought through. We gave Iraq a chance to have a better government, so why shouldn’t we do that for Afghanistan? We should give them that chance, and that’s one thing Obama said in his speech. But he also said that once we’ve helped them, they will be on their own. This will be good because by then they will know how to have a stable government.
I think if we don’t do anything, no one else will. We are the only ones who are thinking about doing something about this problem. If we don’t handle this problem no it will become bigger in the future and by that time we won’t be able to do anything about it.
I think we should not send more troops over because we dont need to lose more soliders than we already have lost. We have hundreds of families that have lost fathers, sons, dads grandfathers, and moms. Why do we need to put this agonoy on other people?
I think it is the right choice to send thirty thousand troops to Afghanistan because they have terror terrorist and we have to eliminate them. I think the rest of the world sould care about this. America has made a lot of effort to improve the situation in Afghanistan. Maybe Taiwan shoud help.
by Jason Tsai :D
I don’t think that it’s a great idea to send more troops to Afghanistan but I don’t think that we have any other choice. We should send the 30,000 American soldiers to Afghanistan now, because if we don’t send them now, I don’t think that things are going to get any better on there own. So if we wait and don’t send troops, then in two years something will happen effecting the US and we will have to step in and send five times the 30,000 he wants to send now. That’s my reasoning why I think that we should do this now rather then wait and pout more soldiers life’s in danger. I don’t believe that this will pout an end to the Afghanistan problem but I think that we have to start some where.
I think we should interpret what Obama is proposing in the first place. He is not making any new plans, he is simply finishing what we started, what must be done, wining this war. It was the interest of all Americans, all of our government and the rest of the good world that we bring the terrorist, and their followers, that murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11, committed countless acts of terrorism and disrupting the good order of the world to justice. As long as those evil people exist there will never be peace for Afghanistan, Pakistan, the middle east, Muslims and the whole world. These people have not helped anything. They are a treat not just to us, but this worlds order, its peace. They will stop at nothing to achieve what they swore to. It is out of the question and humanly impossible to negotiate in anyway. They have taken unbreakable oath’s, slaughtered thousands to fulfill their creed and will never falter even to their last breath, they will succeed or be slain for their self-bound purposes. They will never stop. That being said, how can we now forget all what we did, what we’ve stood for, the people who gave life in exchange for you to live yours in a good world. We must honor those who were brave that were slain in the struggle for the good world, by living the best life, the life they wanted. To see that great day, we must send more troops to kill those people, to free Afghanistan and Pakistan, open the Muslims’ eyes to the truth of what must be done, and for everyone everywhere, bound to this earth, to collectively rid the world of evil. And in the end, if we do not falter from the path to victory, if there is enough good in the world, we might, just maybe, see that great world, and truly take our revenge.
For the taste of the good world’s fruit.
Why would we not finish what we started? Everyone got all amped up to fight terrorism and now because things arent going our way and results are instant everyone's doubting the real reason we're there. The media needs to have their heads cut off. ALL OF THEM. They sit there at their desk all day talking down our president who the people of the united states of america put into office and dont even back him up. Its redicilious. And nominate me ill be the executionor of media.
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