Two questions. Each need to be answered in complete sentences. Minimum of 1 paragraph each.
*Note* There are three parts to both questions. All of them need to be answered.
Good luck.
1. After watching the DVD Please Vote For Me, do you believe the election for class monitor worked as an excercise in democracy? What do you think the children learned from this experience? What did you learn from this experiment?
2. Read this article on China's "One Child Policy" and answer the following question(s):
What is the tension at the center of this article? With which side do you find yourself sympathizing? Why are Chinese children often referred to as "Little Emperors?"
I think the election was definatly a good lesson in democracy. It had all the elements of a democracy; a vote, debate, and of course bribery and trickery. I found it interesting that at first they didn't know what "vote" meant. Throughout the process the three kids learned how run an election, gradually decreasing the intensity of the hatred. They learned how to point out the other people's faults and how to "convince" people to vote for them. The most interesting thing for me in this movie was the intensity that these kids fought. They were brutal; getting the students to boo the other kids off the stage or how make themselves seem like a better candidate via their speeches. It was also funny how into in their parents got.
Part 1 of the assignment.
Donovan Meinzinger.
Yes, now the children know what democracy is. It's good because maybe twenty years later when they grow up, they maybe will want democracy. The video is kind of like reviewing my elementary school life, so fun.
Beacause of the policy, they became to treat their child very good like an emperors
by Jason
So far, so good. Good observations by Donovan and Jason. I like Jason't eye towards the future.
i think the exersise for democracy worked wellfrom the parts i saw them talking like older kids and making there opponets cry and the determation these little china kids have is outstanding oya i think there called little emperors because there treated like that the parents of this little 8 year old kids still wipe there azzz so thats emperorish! PEACE
I believe that the exercise preformed in this Chinese elementary school created a perfect example of democracy. There was lying, bribery, and brute force. I think the children learned a valuable lesson from this experience. Which is, that democracy comes with a price to be payed, that price being your morals.
The main tension in this article is child birth in China. I sympathize with the side of the parents because it is difficult to have only one child let alone pay the bills. The Chinese children are often referred to as little emperors because their parents basically spoil them under these circumstances.
I believe that the exercise preformed in this Chinese elementary school created a perfect example of democracy. There was lying, bribery, and brute force. I think the children learned a valuable lesson from this experience. Which is, that democracy comes with a price to be payed, that price being your morals.
The main tension in this article is child birth in China. I sympathize with the side of the parents because it is difficult to have only one child let alone pay the bills. The Chinese children are often referred to as little emperors because their parents basically spoil them under these circumstances.
do you believe the election for class monitor worked as an excercise in democracy? What do you think the children learned from this experience? What did you learn from this experiment?
Answer: This was an excellent lesson in democracy. Democracy isnt always fair, just like american politics democracy is all about lies,bribary, empty promises and conspiracy theories. I think these childern were much to young to understand the full extent of this lesson after all most of their parents did the majority of the work.
I think they learned about freedom of speach,debating and most of all the scorn of losing and then dealing with the disappointment of their parents and friends. I learned that democracy corupts even the youngest of minds and that maybe communism/socialism isnt all that bad. Hey after all the kid who won class monitor had been the previous "dictator" for two years.
Question: What is the tension at the center of this article? With which side do you find yourself sympathizing? Why are Chinese children often referred to as "Little Emperors?"
Answer: I believe the that china's one child policy is a great idea for large countries that tend to be over populated. However, it will affect the children that are born into it. They will be spoiled rotten and there parent will weigh heavy on their hopes and dreams. Since they have no siblings, they will be their parents only concern, hence "little Emperors".
I side with the one child policy because population control does come at a price but its important to preserve your countries future. The youth growing up in the one child policy, will be the best and the brightest.
Hilary Hartfield
Viva la revolution!!!
I beleive the class monitor election exercised demorcracy quite well, with all of the little competitions involved. democracy may seem harsh to the little socialists but it is a better change to help sway them away from communism. I think the evil little communist children got a good taste of AMERICAN DEMOCRACY! and how it takes alot of determination and knowledge to get to the top. I learned that small chinese kids can be as nasty and relentless as our own government elected officials. In america you need to be ruthless and thats what i saw these kids doing.
The tension seems to be with the idea of fewer children a better nation, it would seem that more children would be a chance to get less children that are smart instead of just 1 child that has the combined quality of all of the other children that could possibly have been born. Plus the low birth rate could mean a very large chance of population rebound. i dont really find myself sympathizing with either side, if it is the law then theres nothing you can do, although with only 1child the child can become spoiled and extremley selfish. the children are often reffered to as little emperors because of theway they are treated by their family. they are spoiled rotten to the core since the attention dosent have to be divided and they are selfish and so spoiledthey can virtually get anything they ask for.
I believe that the excersise worked well because it taught the kids the responsiblity of elections and running to be leader and what tactics to use while running for office if they do just like a America doese so yes the exercise really showed the kids the side of democracy that they should know they learned the value of using your opponents weakness against them like our countries leaders use to get into office you have to show that your opponent is not fit to lead the country. The Chinese childern are oftenly referred to as "Little Emperors" because if their born into a single child enviroment they are often spoiled. The tension in this article is the fact that the government is facing a population crisis if the rate of births keep increasing as people can afford more that one child with being able to pay the fine that the government has put on a family that gives birth to more than one child like in the past.
Collin Hakes
i think that the election was an excellent example of democracy in its true form; back-stabbing, bribing, cheating, and giftbags. i think that the children learned that sometimes, even if you try your hardest, monorails and giftbags always win in the end.
From this dvd, i learned to be afraid. i am afraid because i know that in the future, we lazy bums will be competing against those ruthless killers.
2. the tension in this article is the fact that people want to have more children, but they are not willing to risk fighting the government, and those that do are risking their health by having back-alley births. i personaly find myself sympathizing with the government. if you have too many people, then there will be a lack of food, lack of healthcare, and massive unemployment. so you can only have one kid. boohoo. if you really want two that bad go somewhere else.
In my opinion having an class election showed a good example of democracy. It showed how polluted the government could be showing bribery, pysical punishment, and biggest of all, lying. I learned that elections and the government isn't as sweet as they make it sound on TV, and that even the nicest of people could be deciving.
The tension in this artical is between the rich and the poor not being able to have more then one baby just because one has more money. I think that Chinese should be able to have as many babies as they want. It's not fair that you should have just one baby. Having one baby usually spoils the only child, here the term little empourers comes into play. There called little emourers because they do whatever they want and there parents just go with it
The lesson was of course a good lesson in democracy to both the students and the viewers of the documentary. It brought out the worst sides of it all, the sabotage, gossip, blackmail, etc. This isn't hugely different from the elections held in America. I learned that democracy is a fragile thing that can easily be corruptive. I think the students learned much of the same thing, that democracy must be controlled and therefore camnot fully be democracy after all.
The main focus of the article was Chinas "Little Emperors and Suns," and i rather find myself sympathizing with National Population and Family Commission director Zhang Weiqing. The future of the world's biggest country should overpower a Chinese tradition where having more children equals wealth. If they were completely convinced to have more children, then they would save up so they can pay the fine and make it can happen. On the other hand, having only one child breeds little emperors who have their butts wiped when they're 8 and are literally carried around.
I also think this was an example of democracy, candidates, debates, a bit of trickery, and most importantly voting. But I’m a bit curious of why they even did such a thing in a Chinese class. What was the objective of curriculum? What do they want the kids to learn? If anything I know for sure that the Chinese education system doesn’t want kids to learn democracy or any other ideals that would inspire minds to think twice about the government, and to believe in ways that are contrary to what the government believes. The kids, in my opinion, did not get a good picture of democracy. It was not a good example of democracy.
Referring to the one child policy, I am indecisive. On one hand people should have the right to a family. By having a family they are making an investment for their future. It’s their own social security, or retirement. And on the other hand, you have over population, which may lead to job shortages and an escalation of poverty.
They call them little emperors because many of they are selfish inconsiderate brats. They treat their parents like peasants on a farm. They have to obey their every command,
1. I think the election deffinitly worked as an exercise in democracy for the children. I think the children learned alot from the experience. I was interested to learn that they didn't know what the word vote ment, but as the election went on, they learned so much about the voting process. They participated in tricking their classmates, and doing anything it takes to win. I learned that even children can do things they would never do otherwise under the stress of election. I also learned that anyone will do anything to win at something, even a small election for class monitor.
2. I think the tention at the center of the article is that these families want to have more children, but the "rules" say they aren't aloud to have more than one child. I find myself not knowing who to have simpathy for. I feel bad for the families because they cant have the big families they want, but then again the people making the "rules" must have some reason to make this decition. So I guess when I think about it, I'm sympathizing the families that are poor and don't get to have the families they want. The Chinese children were called "Little Emperors" because their parents spoil them and do everything for them. The children don't know how to do anything for themselves because their parents do everything for them.
Yes! These kids learned what democracy is. They saw that you need to be a manager not a dictator to get the vote. And the dirty trash talk politics forces us to say. I think that the children also realized the stress factor of being a canidate and all of them at one point in time wanted to drop out of the race but....... They pulled through!
I learned how gruesome children can be just for a little bit of power, now lets let that grow, what would a middle age man do to have unlimited power?
Now with the one child policy.
I think that population should go down and this is a way that will work. I hate to see this done but what else? and if i was only allowed one child i would treat him well but not enough to wipe his butt. i will never bow to children.
I'm sure the children from the documentary got a hint of what democracy was. In that sense yes I think that they exercised democracy. They practiced some key components to it. An election, bribery, and a vote. They were aware of how to convince others to gain their votes a major key to democracy. Perhaps in the future the children will want democracy.
I believe that the kids from the documentary are called Little Emperors because of the treatment they get from their parents. Due to the one child policy in china the parents of the children are only allowed to have one child. In the future that child will be responsible for his or her parents. If I were the folks of that child I would spoil them to influence the liking of the child on me.
I think that they understand democracy better then they did in the begging, which to me means that the exercise did work. I think that the children learned to think for them self’s and think who would be the best class monitor for them and who would take control which was obviously the kid who won the election. I learned that democracy can be cruel, and it can disappoint small children.
The main tension of this article is that the one child law is causing the children to act like “little Emperors” it is pouting a lot of pressure on the parents of the children because they spoil there one child more then they should. I am sympathetic to the parents of the issue because they have so much pressure on them from there kids. The children are called “little Emperors” because they are treated like ones.
Yes I believe that they got a very good example of democracy and that they will be the people to grow up and support democracy and maybe help china grow or change in better ways and help change the communism there. I think they learned more about how the united states works and how democracy works much better then communism. I learned more about how china works and more about communism.. and how that little chubby kid was evil. For the second question; the tension is how rich families and people have skirt the one child policy with about 25 thousand to sometimes upwards to 100 thousand dollars just to over ride the law. i'm really not sure what side i am with right now. they are called little emperors because they are over adulged single children.
1. I think the lesson they had worked as an exercise in democracy. The lesson they had was definitely hard, but it was the reality. The lesson showed them both sides of democracy, on the one side they have seen what democracy means for the one who wants to lead, and on the other side they’ve seen what democracy means for the people who vote. I think it was a really good lesson for the kids, to see how much power democracy gives every single student. Every individual student was involved, and every single vote counted. Furthermore they’ve seen what democracy offers them. Because of the competition between the ones who wants to lead, all the other students get the best what they can get. Without democracy they hadn’t gone on the train trip. What I learned from this movie, is that kids in China has no idea that there are alternative forms of a government. It showed me that it is time, that kids in China learn what possibilities there are and that they learn, that the Chinese system is not the only one.
2. The main tension in this article is the one kid policy in China. I’m on the side of real estate entrepreneur Cao Li. Single children are often selfish, demanding and less respectful. I think it is important, that kids learn already in their young ages how to live in a community with other people. They are called little emperors, because they think they are the only one, they have never learned that there are other kids with the same abilities or even better ones.
Yes I believe everything teaches a story. They had backstabbers, cheaters, bribers, and the fat kid who thinks hes clever, but in reality he should have been more focused on his election than on sabotaging his competition. Its hard that your going to be called out on your faults, but practice makes perfect. I myself have learned that people are ruethless and will do as they please to get what they want.
The tension in one-child policy, that I see, is that if your wealthy there's a loop hole to the "One-Child Police", and also that single child parents are disgusted with how their "little emporers" are selfcenterd asses. You can't teach sharing, respect, and equality if your child is a spoiled brat. The side i sympathize the most is those who can't afford to have more than one child and go through the healt risks they do so they can have another child. Why should the rich be granted so just because they have money? I don't see the equality in that. They are reffered to as "Little Emporers" because they are spoiled.
--Meghan Lorenz
Yes i do believe that it was a good excercise of democracy. i think they learned to respect one other. I learned is that americas political system is cruel.
The tension in this article is that china only allows one child. That they should be allowed to have as many as they want. Because they only childern.
1. yes i believe that is work well as an excercise in democracy. i think they learned thatr they can not always influence the votes to swing their way. that you shouldn't try to "spit" in your oppenents face or might come back to haunt you.
2. i believe that the tension is that the kids are being spoiled. i dont know i have mixed feelings. they are spoiled rotten (like in "Please Vote For Me" the father wipped his kid's butt.
Yes the children know what democracy is now but the way they all cheated and resulted to lying and cheatinng a sabatage shows that the government elections are corrupt. And they are called little emporers because they are treated like them by there parents i mean the fat kids dad wiping his ass? that shows he isnt treated like just any other kid.
yes, i do believe that "please vote for me" was a....crude example of democracy, seeing how it was abunch of 5th graders trying to be a class Monitor, they really didn't know how real american politics works, but some what the same. thats why its a crude example. I think the childern learned that the Candidate that can woo the voters can win. that the "little emperors" can and will do,with the help of their Parents,any thing to get the class to vote for them.
well from what i read that is this,that the rich can do what ever they want, the rich can have more than one child and the government won't care, but when it come to the normal class, the rule/or LAW is strict, and are fined 200,000 yuan (US$25,800) per child. so i find my self sympathizing for the middle or normal class of familys. the one child law has also made "little emperors", when the familys of the normal class spend all of their atention on only one child, makeing them spoiled little brats.well thats all i have to say about that, now iama goina drink my self into a stooper so i can write some more.
-Jango Fett
But I think its justifiable to only allow citizens of china to have one kid. You dont like like it leave your country. But dont come here. If china's government cant treat its citizens with respect and give them their basic human rights then why SHOULD they create more and more and more people. They cant even control what they got right now.
question 1: I beleive this exercise practiced democracy and it showed many ways for the kids to win the peoples votes. I learned bribery and critism can get asian children's attention.
The kids in the flick are freakin' evil! they say they teach harmony and what not, all i saw was a couple little saboteurs. i feel like the little girl was picked on and booed the most out of the three kids. the chinese kids are called little
emperors because they know how to control and manipulate others through bribes and threats.
The children for sure have more pressure on them to do better than every one else and I believe its not good for them. They are called "little emperors" because they are treated like kings from thier parents. Thier parents treat them this way because its thier only child and way to musch attention is givin to them.
1. Wow. Just Wow. Did it work as a democratic excercise? Obviously not. You never see (honest) polititians use crude methods such as bribery and threats. Their "debates" were just an "point out the other persons flaws and hope that your right but your in fifth grade and dont really know what your doing" competition. If the children learned anything from this it is that if they are underhanded and mean then their parents will support them. Also that the reigning "moniter" is hard to throw down.
After reading that article, i can understand why those childeren were spoiled and foolish. They STILL need a beating. The tension of the article was about the controversy of the one child rule. I think that China's government is quite corrupt and getting rid of the one child rule might be fighting tooth and claw -(love that metaphor)- with China's *current* government. As for the "little emperors" name i think it is given to kids who are spoilt rotten and never get told no.
1) I belive so because these kids have never heard of playing fair because the grew up in a single child family. Thus, they think that what they want they do not have to be nice to get it. Growing up in a single child family taught the child that if they asked for anything they would get it.
2) First the children raised in single child families are called little emperors because the fact that now there is a one child ruls the parents are spending the money the would spend for 2 or more children is now for one. Because of this the children are treated as royalty because the parents have money for any desire of the children.
Second, The tension is about too many children growing up as little emperors and the fact that the newly rich are now paying the fines for having more children and are choosing to do so. The prob lem is now that the people can now afford the fine and the national birth rate is once again increasing.
I find my self sympathizing with both sides. The people because the wish to have larger families and think that with so many children growing up little emperors. Because these children are not growing up with a sense of duty and they are becoming brats that think that they are the "top of the world".
Part 1:
The exercise definitly showed what democracy is. Democracy is all about peoples choice but the issue is that along with peoples choice comes deceitfulness and selfishness,Lying is commonly found among politicians trying to win office as well. I think that throughout the class monitor experiment the children learned that democracy is all about who likes you and who doesn't. They saw that democracy isn't really about playing fair or doing what it is right. They saw that without being hateful or being sneaky then democracy doesn't work and nobody will vote for you. I found it interesting that the children didnt know anything about democracy prior to the debate and running for the right to be class monitor. It was interesting to see the views of the children change as the election went on and each of them became viscious in some form or another. The parents getting so involved in what was going on was different than it is here. Parents of students here dont really care about what goes on in there students school life unless they are failing classes or getting in some kind of trouble.
Part 2:
The tension in this article is based around chinas laws that only allow people to have one child. If they have more than one child then they are forced to pay near 25,ooo dollars for each extra kid.This is more than it cost to get started and give birth to a child here. Why would it be concidered fair there? I find myself sympathizing with the chinese people that want to have more kids. But only the ones that can afford to take care of the extra child. The economy over there is doind decent and nothing has really improved since they issued that one child law. Traditions over there are not about keeping people or the country safe, they are about keeping control. Only children are brats the majority of the time and having other sibilings would be good for the children of china. The chinese children are often called little emperors because they are treated like emerors. Since the chinese children are only childs they get everything that they want because they are the only ones to focus on. After you raise a child to be selfish it is hard to undo what you have taught them.
i do believe that the class monitor worked on showing a democracy. they wanted to win. they fought to win and bribed to win. they also debated. it was more like insulting the other componant but isnt that how it always is.
i dont want to side with either side. i do believe it is vary wrong for the more weathy in the country to by there own children so they can have more then one child and i think it is wrong people have to have cheep risky births because thye have more children and cant afford the fines. i think the little children are called little emperors because they're there perants only child so there the center of attention for the family. and are spoiled by parents and both sets of grand parents
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