Please answer the following questions in complete, grammatically correct sentences.
Write your name at the bottom of your post. At a bare minimum, this assignment should take you at least 45 minutes. Don't slack on this. Do your best work. It will be graded.
1. What is the Nobel Peace Prize?
2. In paragraph three, Obama acknowledges the "considerable controversy" surrounding his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize. What is the source of that controversy? Do you agree?
3. In paragraph four, Obama acknowledges an apparent irony in the fact that he's receiving the world's most prestigious peace prize. What is that irony?
4. In paragraph seven, Obama taks about "Just War Theory." What is he talking about? What is Just War Theory?
5. In the first three paragraphs on page two, Obama talks about "the old architecture buckling under the weight of new threats." What is this "old architecture" and what are these "new threats?"
6. In the last three paragraphs on page two and the first two on page three, Obama talks about how America has "helped underwrite global security." What does this mean?
7. How does Obama challenge the rest of the world to assist the United States in the third paragraph from the bottom on page three?
8. In the first paragraph on page four, Obama speaks of a "moral interest" in the waging of wars. Break that down for me. What's he talking about?
9. On pages four and five, Obama lays out "three ways that we can build a just and lasting peace." What are they?
10. In your opinion, given the disrespect shown towards the United States and our military in the prosecution of The War on Terror, should we continue to "underwrite global security?" Or, should the other advanced nations of the world step up and shoulder some of the considerable burden our soldiers bare?
1)The Nobel Peace Prize (Scandinavian languages: Nobels fredspris) is one of the five Nobel Prizes bequeathed by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel. <--- Straight from wAkipedia.
2)I think that the controversy sorrounding Obama is the fact that it is the Nobel PEACE prize and we're engaged in not only 1 but 2 wars. I would say its a little goofy he won it. hahaha. ha.
3) As stated in question number 2 we're in 2 wars and its the noble PEACER prize.
4) He is yappin about the fact that war should only be started as a self defense act or in last resort situations. Or if you just want your neighbors country.
5)I would say that we cant use our olds methods of taking care of terrorism so we should start using nuclear warfare.
6)Its saying that america shouldnt be the only super power that other countries need to grow up and do the do dog.
7)He's saying that the world needs to step up and that america will not back down from threats and such. Kudos to Obama.
8)Morale wars? Maybe that people engage in war for their personal interests. Those chumps.
9) I like America. It likes me.
10)No other countries should not take on our burden. We need to finish this ourselfs and then be done with it and legalize and be happy the rest of our lives doing what we want to do on our own life.
Enough with the democratic BULL SHIT!!! Obama is a blight on our nation, most Americans sit and watch as their nation is destroyed right before their eyes and don’t even know it!!! Obama didn't deserve the so-called "Nobel peace prize, in fact the Nobel committee is so corrupted that they hand them out to almost anyone!!!! Open your eye and see the truth! Or go down in history as the bums that let their country get taken over by a bunch of crooks and enemies of the State!
I also know that I am wasting my breath on all of you, because I know that all of you won't and can't see the truth!!!!
The Nobel Peace prize is a prize you get for philanthropically work and being really, really smart. However, Obama got one for absolutely nothing. Must have been low on candidates this year, I should have applied, damn.
The controversy pertains to his support of Mr. Bush’s war, yet he is receiving a peace prize does this seem at all a little hypocritical to you guys? This may also be called irony, which is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/irony)
The just war theory is sort of a check list to see if your war is worth fighting for and if the principles are sound. The real question I would ask though is, is this worth fight for? Just war theory consists of a few basic ideas to go by; just cause Comparative justice, legitimate authority, and Right intention, Probability of success, last resort and Proportionality. If the war can be legitimized by the majority of these beliefs then to the death my fellow Americans!
Old architecture is the basis of which this government and the idea of war is based solely upon. However, these days we are more diverse than ever so our government needs to make changes to support the growing and changing people here in America. As well as, the war is putting even more weight on that foundation, so its time for Obama to live up to his slogan, change. So far no we spokecan’t!! (haha pun!)
Underwriting global security means that America has played a major part in keep the world secure both war wise and financially too.
Obama stated that America cant do this alone and if people want to see a big change they need to assist us in patrolling the world and correcting “corrupt” government.
Moral interest pertains to the American dream and that Americans (mainly the patriotic crazy right wing that are all like America !@#$ yea!) want to see everyone else have a democratic/capitalist government contributing to the “global security” and global architecture.
Lasting peace doesn’t exist if you ask me. Peace is a temporary state of emotion, just look at the Hebrews and Palestinians. Lasting peace can only happen if we stay and correct the Iraqis life styles to match that of the rest (or majority) of the worlds.
I think that no one should solve this issue it’s unsolvable and it isn’t our problem. Let the Arabs live their little lives and run a communistic government, if they want out they know where to go. You can’t correct a civilization that is based on religion and belief, that isn’t the basis for a democratic contributing country. Let em’ be folks!
-hilary H.
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded every year to leaders, organizations or public figures. 1. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes of Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Physiology or Medicine. It has been awarded since 1901, not including some years such as 1940-1942 with WWII.
2. The source of that controversy is the fact that Obama recently just expanded a war in Afghanistan, yet is accepting a Peace Prize. I find it rather hypocritical of him, and even worse that in his acceptance speech he tries to explain how sending 30,000 troops is going to be worth it in the end for the people of Afghanistan.
3. He is being awarded a Peace Prize, yet is in command of two armed conflicts. Americans will “kill” and “be killed,” as he says.
4. He’s trying to make his decision to send a buttload of troops to Afghanistan acceptable by bringing this up. Just War Theory is the idea that war is justified when (paraphrasing from Obama’s speech here) certain conditions are met, innocent civilians are spared from violence, war is only used as a self-defense, and the force used is proportional.
5. The new threats are modern technology teamed up with terrorism. The old architecture is the worry that two countries with WMD’s can cause Nuclear Winter and kill us all. This mindset has been picking at us for too long, and Obama wants to bring attention to the new threat of WPD being in a country where they can be accessed by terrorists at all.
6. That is such fancy shmancy talk for AMERICA POLICES THE ENTIRE WORLD! Practically every single fricken’ issue in this world has America involved. Obama seems to be a strong believer in the idea that it’s up to us to send our troops in and fight for people who are having an issue that we’re barely involved in.
7. He says, “All responsible nations must embrace the role that militaries with a clear mandate can play to keep the peace.” This is clearly a call to action to other nations to get involved in the war in Afghanistan. I applaud him (a teensy bit) for finally taking a stand and asking for help.
8. FREEDOM! ARRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Yo, you ain’t got no country built on “freedom for all” when you ain’t upholding that freedom. You got a majorly flawed, hypocritical country is whatchya got. Obama’s fighting for our morals, the foundations by which our country was built on. Obama also brings up how you can have war when you need to uphold these morals. And the answer is he can’t. Obama basically just contradicts himself the entire time. That’s why I changed the channel after the third paragraph.
9. Ingredients for Just and Lasting Peace:
1. Exchange unruly nations with tough alternatives to violence
2. Mix in a hella amount of human rights.
3. Everyone will just love each other and help everyone out
10. Team America: World Police!
Because, you know, America can totally do everything right. I didn’t agree with the troop surge in Afghanistan in the first place, and I still don’t agree with Obama. His speech (that he probably didn’t write himself) was random and all over the place, he kept contradicting himself and trying to justify his actions. America needs to stop trying to police the world.
The Nobel Peace prize is an award to a person who has done work to keep peace between nations. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes given by Alfred Nobel, A Swedish industrialist and inventor.
There is in fact "considerable controversy” when it comes to Obama receiving the Nobel peace prize because well it's a PEACE prize. 30,000 troop surge? Hmmm.
The Irony like I commented in question 2 is that he is receiving the Nobel Peace Prize an award given to those who have demonstrated upholding peace between nations. Isn’t he the one sending a 30,000 troop surge into Afghanistan? That’s because he is.
The new threat is modern day tech knowledge being infused with terrorism. The old architecture is that two countries with nuclear power one in control the other is teetering on almost loosing control into evil hands in the end breaking out and killing everyone.
1. an award given for a person whom during the preceding year the shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
2. He has just began his presidential term and just sent 30,000 more soldiers to the middle east and hasnt yet done anything super magnificent.
3. It was kind of "accidental" wars going on and the hopeful slowing down of the current middle east war.
4. "Just War" is justified only when certain conditions were met: if it is waged as a last resort or in self-defense; if the force used is proportional; and if, whenever possible, civilians are spared from violence
5. Old architecture being global nuclear war, and new threats could be concieved as different terrorsit tactics and forceing a somewhat peaceful country into war.
6.It means covering nations money wise and pulling them out of the fire when need be, although America dosent have the funds needed to keep on keeping on with that motive.
7. He said that even though America is strong it cannot go about doing things on its own, America needs help securing such places as Afgahnistan.
8. What he means is America will use good old fashion tactics and the corrct means of war to get the job done rather than just bombing the hell out of Afgahnistan.
9. 1. Exchange unruly nations with tough alternatives to violence
2. Mix in a hella amount of human rights.
3. Everyone will just love each other and help everyone out
10. I think America Will Prosper No Matter WHAT GO AMERICA!
1. The nobel peace prize is given to members of national assemblies and government members, history professors, scientists, and members of the Norwegian nobel institute. its presented for doing something great or having a huge discovery.
2. the controversy come from the mainly the familes of the troops being sent to afghanistan, i think that the families that had they're loved ones sent over seas knew what they were getting into when they signed up fer the army.
3. he says that because the troops that are being sent over deserve that award not the guy that sent them over there!
4. Just War theory is saying that its just not a big deal to them, used only when it meets a certain point of terror.
5. "The world may no longer shudder at the prospect of war between two nuclear superpowers, but proliferation may increase the risk of catastrophe. Terrorism has long been a tactic, but modern technology allows a few small men with outsized rage to murder innocents on a horrific scale." is what http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/11/world/europe/11prexy.text.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1 says.
6. Obama is saying that our milatary is basically other coutries insurace for if there is another WW we will come n and take care of things.
7. he challenges the world to realize that war is sometimes necessary and that war is an expression of human folly.
8. the moral intrest in war is tat we need to do that to stay in control, we only can be succsessful through fear.
9.they are we have war, we have control and we need revisal.
10. we should continue, because if we dont they'll just come back to us after they fail in war, we are theyre insurance.
1. The nobel peace prize is given to members of national assemblies and government members, history professors, scientists, and members of the Norwegian nobel institute. its presented for doing something great or having a huge discovery.
2. the controversy come from the mainly the familes of the troops being sent to afghanistan, i think that the families that had they're loved ones sent over seas knew what they were getting into when they signed up fer the army.
3. he says that because the troops that are being sent over deserve that award not the guy that sent them over there!
4. Just War theory is saying that its just not a big deal to them, used only when it meets a certain point of terror.
5. "The world may no longer shudder at the prospect of war between two nuclear superpowers, but proliferation may increase the risk of catastrophe. Terrorism has long been a tactic, but modern technology allows a few small men with outsized rage to murder innocents on a horrific scale." is what http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/11/world/europe/11prexy.text.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1 says.
6. Obama is saying that our milatary is basically other coutries insurace for if there is another WW we will come n and take care of things.
7. he challenges the world to realize that war is sometimes necessary and that war is an expression of human folly.
8. the moral intrest in war is tat we need to do that to stay in control, we only can be succsessful through fear.
9.they are we have war, we have control and we need revisal.
10. we should continue, because if we dont they'll just come back to us after they fail in war, we are theyre insurance.
The Nobel Peace prize, is a prize awarded to those whom:
during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
Due to the fact that we are currently not only in one but 2 wars, why is anyone getting the nobel peace prize, because as far as I am concerned, nothing has been done.
The source of controversy, is that once again in the midst of 2 wars being fought and the fact that 30,000 more troops being sent overseas, does not indicate peace, it indicates war, so I dont understand why this is being awarded at such an akward time.
The fact that he is receiving this award at such a time.
"Just War" is only when certain conditions were met: if it is waged as a last resort or in self-defense; if the force used is proportional; and if, whenever possible, civilians are spared from violence
The old acrchitecture, The architecture that Wilrow Wilson established, And the new threats are those of the terrorism being spread through our nations and states.
This means that we stepped up, we rose and showed and proved that we wanted just and peace and we took a shot to make things easier, The un and all those things, we stepped up and took chances, but are we going to continue, and arent we being taken for granted?
He is stating that we cannot act alone, we need help, and we need to stand up as a united world against the evils.
By obeying the orders and living up to the expectations that were given to us in the first place, such as tortcher, he closed GT bay because torcher is not something that america will tolerate, example: just because he did it doesnt mean its RIGHT that you do it too.
First by dealing with the nations that break rules and laws.
This brings me to a second point -- the nature of the peace that we seek. For peace is not merely the absence of visible conflict. Only a just peace based on the inherent rights and dignity of every individual can truly be lasting.
"Third, a just peace includes not only civil and political rights -- it must encompass economic security and opportunity. For true peace is not just freedom from fear, but freedom from want."
Well, considering that we are being taken for granted, we should step down and just let them fend for themselves, but in reality, thats just as low as them, just giving up, Is that what america is about? NO ITS NOT.
The Nobel peace prize is one of five or the Nobel prized established by Alfred Nobel. The Norwegian Nobel committee chooses who is nominated by their interpretation or the nominee's qualities.
There is a controversy I agree with Obama winning the Nobel peace prize because he is winning this prize by being nominated by something he is in the midst of doing and not by something he has completed.
The irony of his winning is the fact that he is the commander-in-chief of a country that is in two wars. (Peace?).But the fact of the matter is trying to end the wars.
"just war theory" is the fact that war can be justified when it is within certain conditions(self defense, last resort).otherwise stay that the two wars we are within are "just wars" in the fact that it is a last resort. Though I hate to agree.
The old architecture is the fact that nuclear warfare doesn’t scare us as much as it should, for we have seen it through generations past. The new threat is technology. We are going into a new age of technology that terrorists are using against us.
Like insurance, America has become the sole super power of defense for the world. We have covered backs so when time comes people will cover ours. if a war broke out with countries of allies we would send troops.
Obama challenges the rest of the world to assist the United States by stating that, America cannot secure peace alone. Threats are becoming more complex. Basically if we, America, cannot get any help it will continue for years to come...
will continue in the morning
1) The Nobel Peace Prize is a reward in witch is given to one person whom has shown a great deal or consideration of peaceful actions.
2) Obama has shown his sense of consideration for peace, but is commencing war with a country that is filled to the brim of terrorists.
3) The irony that Obama established was about, him sending military soldiers to Afghanistan for a full on invasion, and he ends up winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Now that is pure irony.
4) Obama was explaining about how a "Just War" is commenced. First, it must be a last result or a self-defense operation.
5) "Old architecture," is an outbreak of unnecessary chaos, and the "new threats" are the current leaders of the militia.
6) "Helped underwrite global security," we helped liberate the world of the previous chaos caused by Adolf Hitler, the North Koreans, and Sudan Osman.
7) Obama explains that peace is not achievable by just saying "we want peace." The world needs to act, and act fast!
8) What Obama means by moral interests is: The fact in which America stands for, anti-torture, anti-slavery, and anti-war. America does not believe in those actions.
10) America is an amazing country, that itself is given... but we cannot keep on with this "going hero" all the time. How many people would like to see their friends die? Why did I bring that up, is because we are doing that. We voted for war, and that is wrong.... but necessary.
The world needs to lend in a hand, which they are not doing that. So we are force to place all of our chips down and hope that we win this poker game of war... it's sad but true people.
Awesome Jassem
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