Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The AntiChrist?

Could Obama be the AntiChrist?

He will be worshiped by many people[Rev. 13:8]
(Many people like Obama)

He will try to change the laws, perhaps to gain advantage for his new kingdom [Daniel 7:25]
(hmm,.. lets see,.. our gun writes? the second amendment?)

He will rise from obscurity...a "little horn" [Daniel 7:8]
(political background?)

He will speak boastfully [Daniel 7:8; Rev. 13:5]
(Smooth talker?)

He will oppress the saints and be successful for 3 1/2 years [Daniel 7:25]
(lets wait and see what happens after three and a half years,...)

He will appear to survive a fatal injury [Rev. 13:3; 17:8]

After the injury he will be impowered by the devil himself [Rev.13:2]

His arival on the world scene will be accomplished by miracles, signs and wonders [Rev. 2:9]
"The Antichrist will be a world leader, he'll have supernatural powers,"
(Jewish people will believe that this is the messiah)
(Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam) called him the Messiah)

He will claim to be god [Thessalonians 2:4]

His name will relate to the number six hundred and sixty six-but not necerily obious fashion.[Rev. 13:17-18].
(Obama Hussein Barrak-18 letters,... 6*3=18,...three six's, sound suspitious? I think so.)

He will honer a "God" of military. His whole focus and attention will be the military. He will conquer lands and distribute them [Daniel 11:39-44]
(does he like the military or not?)

"According to the evangelical interpretation of the books of Daniel and Revelation, the Antichrist will make his appearance before Christ makes his, and his is looking kinda imminent. The Antichrist, in this reading, will be a world leader who strikes a peace deal with Israel, only to betray the Jewish state and make war on it, until Jesus comes to the rescue."

"The AntiChrist is supposed to be in his 40s"
(Obama is 45,...)

I think that Obama could be the AntiChrist, I am not saying that he is, I am just saying that is a posibility and there is evidence to back him up. I am not racist just to let you know and I like muslim people, so don't try and accuse me of what I am not.


JuiceBx said...

The anti-christ will have no family members! Obama has a WIFE and TWO KIDS! If you don't believe me talk to my grandpa (who is anti obama!). You guys have no idea on what you are talking about! you're just angry because McCain lost... and if you realy fallow McCain then you will support Obama. If you don't believe me on that as well Talk to McCain.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is an interesting idea. He hasn't claimed to be god, but he wouldn't do that until he's been president for a while. So far he doesn't have supernatural powers, or maybe he just hasn't showed them yet. Although it may be true, I don't really think Obama is the Anti Christ.

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

...........................ummmmm.....iam not goina say anything just incase my already bad karma gets worst, and i end up in a ditch in new york city, over on brodway and 6th street.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...
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The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...
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Unknown said...
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kibbles said...

Gun RIGHTS. I didn't make it through the entire article, but if you're going to try to say things that are kinda far out, at least try to appear intelligent when you say it, it'll make people take you more seriously. You will be taken as a raving lunatic and a idiot that is spouting nonsense if you don't at the very least use correct spelling and grammar.

kibbles said...

Also, Obama is Christian, not Muslim.