Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Who will win the Election?


Anonymous said...

It will probably be a close election, but I think in the end Obama will win. I used to want Obama to win, but now I'm for McCain.

The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...


Anonymous said...

Also, check out: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032553#scroll_map

~Miranda May~ said...

I think Obama will win, but I want McCain to win, my resons for this is becasue McCain has lots of excperiance, he knows what he is doing, and he has been torchered for 5 years so he is dedicated and comitted, That also shows that he is strong. He disagrees with abortions and that is a very strong topic for me, also I disagree with cloning people. God created people and now people are trying to creat people and I think that that is wrong. I also think that gay marrage is wrong. If they adopt a child than that child is going to be affected. Everyone is affected by there parrents if they want to or not they don't.

Unknown said...

If McCain wins I'll slit my wrists
Or maybe he'll be nice enough to do it for me. (And I'm moving to Canada)

Obama will probably win, and I predict him to be blamed for all the shiz that happens while hes in office, sort of like Mr Bushman.

Anonymous said...
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Obama will win believe me.