Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks. Giving. Thoughts?

And the debate over Thanksgiving rages on.....

Read the Slate article, work it over in your mind a little bit, and answer the following question:

"What's the proper view to take on Thanksgiving? Is it a civic holiday, a religious celebration, or nothing more than an unwelcome reminder of the ultimate fate of the Native Americans?"


Murphs said...

To be completely honest, I think that Thanksgiving is neither a civic holiday nor a religious one. Thanksgiving is an excuse for Americans (and only Americans, mind you) to eat a lot of food and justify by saying holiday, World. We have a holiday for historic eating.
I think that Thanksgiving is also little more than a dam between Halloween and Christmas, a sort of attempt to damper the extending Christmas holidays. Even if this attempt hath failed.

Unknown said...

i personaly think that ned makes a good point in that whether or not familys celebrate it in a religous manner, it still is a time of celebration and joy, so why should we worry about if we have drifted away from the origional intent of the holiday?

kibbles said...

I'm going to have to agree that Thanksgiving is an excuse to be gluttons. Perhaps it is the original American holiday, the reason why we are all obese.

The Number 12 Looks Like Brandon said...

I feel that it is not an excuse to be fat. I feel it is mor of a christian holiday and that we should remember that the only reason we lived was because the native americans gave us corn and tought us how to grow corn. If you feel that it is just an excuse shame on you, Just give thanks and stop judging the greatest country on earth and get over it. If you see any family on Thanksgiving it is all about remembering what you have and being thankful for what you have been givin in this life. So just keep in mind that many people are thankful and if you dont like it EAT ME!!! GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE ;0

Unknown said...

"What's the proper view to take on Thanksgiving? Is it a civic holiday, a religious celebration, or nothing more than an unwelcome reminder of the ultimate fate of the Native Americans?"

It's a three day week.
I'm not complaining hah.
Thanksgiving is an excuse. I think the spirit of why we did it is completely lost.

Anonymous said...

I think that since it wasn't originally religious, it shouldn't be officially religious. The article stated that the first Thanksgiving was more of a harvest festival, with feasting, games, and fun gunfire. However, if people want to celebrate it religiously, that's a great idea. Thanksgiving can either be a time to just be thankful or to thank God/your god for everything he's given you/us. Although, I've noticed that some people tend to focus on the food more than anything else.

JuiceBx said...

Thanksgiving was and is a celebration for the settlers of the Mayflower settling in America and giving thanks to the Native Americans for the food they gave them. So it's more of a historical/thankful holiday then a religious one.

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

thanksgiving was a festive holiday when they would be thankful for that year. now every body are being tards, unthankful tards, who, mind you, only think about them selfs! them complane about crap that doesn't even mater.HERES SMOTHING, BE THANKFUL ON THANKSGIVING!!!!BE THANKFUL FOR ALL YOU HAVE AND QUIT COMPLANEING ABOUT THE THINGS YOU DON'T!!!!! LIFE WILL BE ALOT BETTER!!!

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

You guys are to fast to judge. Who are you to say that all we americans think Thanksgiving is is an excuse to eat. It differs in each household so dont say that we're just a bunch of fat americans who like to eat food.
And its your bad if you werent taught the meaning of thanksgiving.

Feel free to disagree with me.