Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hillary? Really?

To the surprise of the great majority of Americans, Hillary Clinton defeated Barack Obama in New Hampshire last night.

What's your explanation of this? What happened?


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Hilary Clinton cheated. She hide most of Barcak Obama's votes. She is a cheater and will never win fair. Or she just got lucky. I don't know but I hope it doesnt happen agian.

The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

Well hilary clinton pulled the crying card haha she pulled enough votes showing women that she is a sensative human being. But little do we know Hillary isnt human at all.

Trogdor said...

WHAT!!!! Those voters are racest. I think it has to do with the journalist she paid to ask "Whod do you bee so great?" And she started crying about a week ago. Or maby it was because Barack Obama was gone and they were voting for Barcak Obama.

Murphs said...

Cthulhu wants help in rising from the depths of the Pacific, and Hillary is a HUGE supporter of Cthulhu, because he promised her to be ruler of a new world order. He will obviously break this promise and simply drive her mad and savour her soul.
If Hillary was president, she would have access to everything Cthulhu needs to be resurrected, and she'd still be president on December 21st, 2012.

This is obvious, people.

Buggles said...

I truly beleve that after the Iowa caucus she pulled a "sympethy card" by crying to the female population. With this wemon broke down and voted blindly in yesterdays polls. This actually shows how low the Clinton administration will go to destroy there competetars. BLah

Anonymous said...

Hilary is an alien.

We Middle East Beasts Plays For Keeps, yoe foows said...

I hate hilary soo much. It hurts me to even think about her face. She should choke on an oversized meatball.

Anonymous said...

God help us