Welcome back to RLA everybody....
We're going to spend the next month focused on Civics. To kick that off, we're going to be engaging in a little presidential politics. As you may or may not know, the fine folks of Iowa will caucus today in order to vote for their favorite candidates. The Iowa Caucus is the first of many state-level primary elections that will ultimately determine the official Democratic and Republican candidates for president. Whoever wins in Iowa will be carrying a great deal of momentum into the other states, which makes Iowa an important state for the candidates. In fact, Republican Candidate Mitt Romney has already spent in excess of $8.5 million dollars campaigning in Iowa.
With all of that in mind, I would like you to go to CNN's Political Site, read about Romney, Huckabee, Clinton, Obama, Edwards and Clinton, vote in the poll on our blog, and submit an error free full-paragraph post on who you chose and why. Be specific about your reasons. Read about the issues. It's time Americans stopped voting for the candidate with the best haircut.
Your post is due by lunch.
Here is a "neat device used to match your responses to political issues to candidates." that I got from jud.
When I tried it, I got Brownback, Thompson, and Romney. Go figure?!?
I would choose John Edwards for many reasons. The first reason that I would chose him is because in studding about his potions on the main issues he has, in my eyes, the best interest in them for the people. He also has some experience in law that will help him as president. John Edwards’s potions on immigration are sound and fair in the fact that he does not want to build a 700 mile fence on the boarder of Mexico and America. In the fact that he wants to show leadership in working with the Mexican government on better controlling illegal crossing of the illegal boarder, showing that he can be a great leader of the free country. Though he does not support same sex marriage he still wants to keep the country free so he does not try to ban it in the constitution but let the people vote in their separate states. These are the reasons why I am leaning more towards John Edwards as the person I would vote for, as president.
I'de vote for Obama becouse clinton says she would have voted difrently about Iraq if she knew what she knows now. I don't want a president who is going to change there mind if it doesn't go the way you wanted it to. she voted to go to war but know she says we shoudn't have gone to war. Obama knew what he wanted to do the whole time. Tere all the same with same-sex marrige so that doesn't matter.
Obama is my candidate of choice. He doesn't seem like the kind to flip-flop as much as Clinton, and he says he'd begin pulling troops out of Iraq, which I approve of. It seems to me that he also knows when 'staying the course' would be stupid.
I would vote for Mike Huckabee. I agree with where he stands on issues like abortion. He also supports the war in Iraq. That war needs to bee finished but not by pulling out. He Has experince in running several corperations and he has been the governor of Arkansas. He also plans on getting the border under control and not opening it.
I dont really have an opion on the matter but i would have to go with Obama. First of all he wants to pull the troops out of Iraq which i think would be great because change seems good right now...
Obama would be my canidate of choice. He seems to be logical when clinton in a mental case. Clinton seems to be stuck up controlling robot that had life go her way. Obama's little incident with smoking pot shows that he's a real person that has experience lows if thats not to bold to say. Obama knows what he wants. It would also be good to have a man stature in or white house.
Altogether he seems like a normal guy thats not totaly insane.
Obama the face of change, someone who has shed light on the liberal and conservative Democrats alike which many other canadates have had thier opinions weighed in the pools of conservetiveness or liberalness. This shows he is a very opened minded canadate in my opinion. His position on issues such as the iraq war and social security compared to other canadates has been for the most part very pleasurable on my mind stems.
I think huckabee is a close minded hill billy bafouin. All he cares about is himself. He doesn't even have an explaination for some things he just says thats it so what do i care. I dont like Romney becuase he seems to the guy who want to be on top nomatter what and he also looks like a guy who would change his word. Clinton i dont like because she gonna take away our M RATED GAMES AND R RATED MOVIES! Edwards is a kid in a mans fight. Hes out of the question. Hes sort of like the guy whos probably gonna get shot first. So I dont really have a decision, but to pick obama. He does seem to be a good guy.
If i had to choose now, I would vote for Ron Paul. Asside from his beleifs in the contitution, anti-war efforts and wisdom that only a congressman from texas has; his vote would mean nothing. I feel that it is my responsibility as a citizen to vote, but I will not vote for anyone who could potentially win as I'm sure to vividly hate whoever that is within a month afterwards. If by chance there is a r-love-ution in 2008 then I would like to be part of that and I know that I will sleep well knowing that my vote wasn't spent on the next evil Emperor of America. PS: BUSH/CHENEY 08!!
I would vote for Mike Huckabee, becouse I agree with what he follows. I also think he is qualified for the job and can get it done.
in all honsety i dont care and i will probley never care. But if since i have to beacuse im 18 i would choose Edwards For sure. Beacuse my friend how isn't threatened me to kill me if i didn't vote for him and also he explaned why i should. also i like that he going make a boaders longer he wants to talk to the leaders of Mexico and control the boaders. with there help.
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