Well, that was interesting. Now that you've had some time to think, what lessons have learned from King Corn?
Specifically, I'd like you to answer the following three questions:
1. How did the government's agricultural policies in the 70's lead to the King Corn we see today?
2. What are some of the negative consequences, both for the American farmer and our own health, of the rise of King Corn?
3. If you've got a problem with situation in America today as it relates to the issues raised in King Corn, what can you as a consumer do about it?
It was very interesting. It's harder to get food without some type of corn in it. I'm going to try to not eat as much food with high-fructose corn syup, ect. in it.
The 70's had that old guy in the suit announce that the agriculture needs to start growing alot more food. I dont think that he is a bad guy because he announced that after the depression. I dont think that man had bad intensions.
Well the farmers even admit that the growing of corn is a bad thing where its being distributed to. But they need to support there own life and their familys. Our health is affected because we're eating all this and its helping us create an obese country.
You can watch what you eat and drink less pop and other foods containing corn. But that would almost be impossible since its in anything.
Leting farmers farm as much land as they can I think has led to the king corn. If the goverment just kept paying people to farm less then we wouldn't have this problem. Some of the smaller farmers are deing. You have to expand to survive. I think this corn is going to kill us and the goverment does't care. The worst part is almost everything has corn. I think to stop it first the goverment has to care for our health. Nothing will change untill that happens.
Basiclly what the 70's policy has done is make it possible for the farmer to grow as much as they wanted to with no restrictions. Now that your wage depends on how much you grow people are finding ways to grow more quicker. On the down side with corn in such an abundance people have found new uses for it. Now corn sirup is in almost everything you eat and drink. Even the cows are fed corn and the cows digestive system are not used to a diet comprised mostly of corn. The beef is more fatty and less tender. Now the only way to stick it to the corn man is to make and grow every thing at home and goodluck with that.
They had goo intension but they didn't think it would end it this way. The reason they need more food is beacuse of the food depression.
I think that the farmers need to start growing there own crops sp they can support themselvs. we also need to watch how wew and the reason our country is so obese is the corn they grow.
We need toi start eating more healthy food and cut down the crap that we eat. but as we know it impossible for the US to spot eating it.
The government is paying corny people to grow and alter corny products. The worst part is this corn is makeing us fat and killing cows. As a consumer I will stop this nonsense, starting next week I will start an anti corn coalition. If You wish to jion and stop this evil, respond imediately.
It lead to the king corn we see today because they wanted more food for at a cheaper price. so they got more for their money.
A couple of the consequences are the fact that it is bad fro our health by causeing us to get diabeties. It all is bad for the farmers because they are being forced out of farming if they do not farm more land, not aonly that but they can not grow food for themselves anymore.
Not buy any of the food made with it. I could also go to the companies and complain about it. And i can also grow my own food and cook it in my own home where it will not be processed like the king corn is being processed.
that movie convinced me to drop soda although the corn syrps grasp is to tight and i cant quit drinking my soda mmmmm this lime diet coke taste good or should i say this corn taste good lol no im gonna think twice before i eat food. one question though does mapple syrp have corn syrp in it?
my eating habbits are some what changed. it is wierd what we find in our food that we eat,so iam going on a diet,but i will still drink mountian dew!!!!!
well i thought that it was very interesting to see what the corn crops are actually doing, and the fact that farmers can't quite eat what they grow is a shock.
also learning about the meat and what the cows are going through, sure they are just animals but thats really gross i think and i dont like the fact that so many people are over weight, we are just slowly killing ourselves.
I think that eventually, the corn industry will dry up. Crops needed to be rotated in early days because they would suck the soil of all the nutrients that particular plant needs. With any luck, the US government will realise this before the mid-west becomes a wasteland.
The Agricultural policies of the seventies started pushing for more land to be used for crops, not necessarily corn, but crops in general to lower the cost of food and such.
The rise of King Corn--particularly the industrial corn used in King Corn--has led to a fall in our own health because the corn is so widely used and nearly impossible to not come in contact with.
I as a consumer in the US economy can refuse to use corn-based products, although I really doubt I have the willpower to ignore corn.
A lesson I have learned is that corn can kill which i think is funny for most of the part. also that almost most of the food we consume is corn. one of the problems we face is that scince most of the food contains corn in some scource that in large quantities it can cause some damage to our bodies. sorry for the spelling errors im in a hurry I♥CORN CORN KILLZ
It was very interesting. Corn has been very negitive in our society today!!!corn is in everything so its kind of hard to do something about it, otherwise I would. I think we should make food without corn syrup, starch, ext. ummm, I don't really know what else to write...The octapuss is really cool, Bye!
The agriculture policies of the 70's preached more More MORE!! and created tons of ways farmers could be paid by the government to produce bushels upon bushels of corn. The actual price of a bushel of corn doesn't really matter, the money is in government subsidies. Tiny family farms were bought up to be added to bigger and bigger chunks of land to be farmed en mass. Today corn is produced in such large quantities we have had to find new uses: sweetner, animal feed, oil, etc.
I agree with DJ Scythe. When they fertilized their crop, they used only one chemical: anhydrous ammonia. Which once broken down by the bacteria in the soil provides the plant with one essential nutrient: nitrogen. Two huge nutrients they're forgetting are phosphorous and iron. Which, if not replaced somehow, will be depleted to an extent even genetically modified super corn won't be able to survive. (Not to mention all the trace minerals in the soil that are important to plant growth, but not quite as essential as nitrogen, phosphorous, and iron.) The farmers will eventually be unable to produce such high yields of corn and the industry will begin to bring itself under control.
As a consumer with a problem I could move to a commune, grow all my own food, stop using toilet paper and toothpaste and protest the producers of high fructose corn syrup and products containing high fructose corn syrup...Or, as an American consumer with an addiction I could keep buying food that'll fairly quickly kill me. Since the brain's response to food in a food-addicted person is very similar to that of the response of a heroine addicted person's brain to heroine, I think I might choose the latter. (<3)
The policies in the 70's allowed more land for more farmers, and made farmers that farmed more richer. And the farmers that farmed less lose money. It didnt matter what the corn profit was or how much it cost, all that mattered was how much they farmed. So now if farmers want to make money they have to farm more.
Before in some amount of land you could grow 100 busheles of corn, now with the same amount of land you could grow four times as much corn. By growing corn closer together and fertilizing it with different types of chemicals, it has altered the corns biology. From doing this we get more starch. We can grow corn closer together, and we can put some pestisides that would kill normal corn. But by doing all this farmers cant even eat their own corn because it is not edible off the cob. It is now unhealthy due to the fact that there is also less protine in the corn because we wanted more starch.
Farmer could start growing food the correct way, then it would be more expensive, but that is a price to pay.
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