Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Humanity's Downfall

Hey lazy ramen-eaters,

So you can all see the poll. Cthulhu will end the world, or if he's late--you know Cthulhu. Heavy sleeper--it'll be Ancient Forgotten EViLS. So, why do you all think that the forgotten is so much more like to bite us than new developing technology or vice-versa? I know Trogdor's opinion--Robots, people-- and I'd like to hear some validation.



笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

hyper space ninja zombies is humanity's downfall.....that all there is to it! so run for your lifes if you'll die sooner or later!

Murphs said...

Validations, people! I WANT MORE THAN 'Oh. It's gonna happen. Sorry for you losers.'!! DOES EVERYBODY AT THIS SCHOOL NEED A POCKET DICTIONARY??

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...
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笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

its is the mix between lost evils and new technolgy!!!!

that and i have little to no proof but that will not stop them sooner or later its goina be like 28 days later!

Trogdor said...

The current push for putting humanoid robots in every home is the first step to the end of the world as we know it. As they become stronger and more capable we are getting weaker and lazier. For example we probably have weaker grip strength than our ancestors because they had to use hand powered can openers, we have robotic can openers so we put no effort into opening cans. You must also consider that every day more people become addicted to caffiene, when the robots rebel they will cut off the caffeine supply to the world rendering most humans quivering, week, and helpless.