Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rivercity and Grades...,,

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your second "snow day" of the week. Anyway, since it's semester grade time here in West Valley, I thought I'd ask you a question about grades. Currently at RLA, we only grant "pass" and "fail" grades for your projects, seminars, and classes. In your opinion, would it be better to continue along this path or switch to some kind of "letter grade" system like more traditional schools? If we were to switch to "letter grades," how would you suggest we go about doing this? How would you like to be graded? And if you'd like to stick with the "pass/fail" system we have now, what's you reason?


Murphs said...

I am not a fan of letter grades in any aspect--what's this?? Straight to 'F'?? WHERE'S THE 'E'??--but the pass/fail system seems utterly flawed as well. I would propose that as a school-wide project, we decide on a method that doesn't fail. That way, it would be in the student's hands, and I wouldn't have to come up with something off the top of my head.

Spanish said...

I personaly like have the pass/fail system that we have naow. The reason for this is because if you do not do the quality of work that is expected then you should not get to pass. so I say stay with the system that we have so that the students have somthing to work for. They have the choice of passing with good grades or failing for not doing their work.


I think we should stick with the system we have now. I do think we need to be more strict on the difrence of pass and fail though. some pretty bad projects have passed and they didn't do much. I also think it's to easy to pass with letter grades. a F is fail and the rest is pass. What's the piont of the other 4 letters then.

~Miranda May~ said...

I would like to have letter grades because I know if I am above average or just getting by.

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...

i dont worry about the grade system because i know iam smart and anyone who thinks other wise can jog off!!!!! that and there stupid imean! WTF! this is my grade system

A: ASSternomical





there you go that is a lot better!!!

kibbles said...

I like the pass/fail system we have and think we should keep it, but is there a way it could be translated into an A, B, C/GPA type thing for insurance, scholarships, job applications and the like?