Looks like you guys got it right: Obama wins big for the Democrats and Huckabee carries the Republicans.
Good Work.
For today's blog, I'd like you to assume the role of a political columnist and write two paragraphs. The first should be about why Mike Huckabee will never win the presidential election and the second should be about why Obama has no chance. In other words, what is it about each of these two candidates that may make them unelectable in a national election?
Your opinions on the last topic were great. Keep it up!
I guess we could start with huckabee, simply the only reason he held the first seat in Iowa is this. he was backed by a larger persentage of republican evangelical voters. lets break that down a bit. Evangelicals took up aprox 60% of the seats in the republican voters. In the polls huckabee took a astounding 50% of there votes. yet if you look at the non evanglical voters Huckabee comes in dead last only taking a meer 10% of the vote. Now the reason why Huckabee will not win the presidential election is this just like new hampture and many other eastern coast states and along with some westercoast states Evangelical Christians are NOT the majority and unless Huckabee can change his stradagy to "suit" other ages races and creeds he will not pull out into the lead.
Now Obama is another story I truly cannot think of a reason why Obama will not come out in the end as the leader of the free world. It would be to pessimistic to beleve that he will fail somewhere or get assassinated for his race or ideas. That to me is just thinking way to out of the box. He to me in my current opinion has a great chance in change...and maybe thats somthing that we need more so then experiance.
First i'll talk about Huckabee. first he's planing to increase troop size in Iraq which many people oppose the war already. He wants to give illegal immigrants a way to become citezines to when most of the imegrints that became legal citezines have to go through alot to get there citizenship but these people cross the border ilegaly and he wants to give some of them citizenship.
Second I think Obama will become president so I can't say why he won't. Some people are still stupid and ignerant and won't vote becouse the color of his skin. other wise I think he'll win. Plus the other canidetes have no chance of winning.
Huckabee will obviously fail because he's a republican in favor of the Iraq war and the majority of his voters aren't the majority of the population.
Obama can't win, because he doesn't have Chuck Norris on his side.
Mike Huckabee could never win a national election because he has far less money then the other candidates, and it would be virtually impossible to compete on the same level as the others. While Huckabee spent approximately 400,000 in Iowa; Other candidates spent upwards of 8 million dollars. Another reason is the media. If you turn on your TV to any night time news(dateline for example) your mind will be flooded with anti conservative statements. Every story has a political twist, and no one other than Clinton and Obama is even mentioned as a potential presidential candidate. Unfortunately in America the bias media controls what most people think and therefore Mike Huckabee could never win the presidential election. Obama will never win because Clintons assassins will have him killed after he wins the primaries.
Well ill start with why obama may not get it. Since Obama is against clinton (the wench) she and mr. bill clinton are gonna dig dirt up on obama and try to tear him down. One thing that could come up is that obama does not have any prior experience. They would try to expose him of his drug use in the day. But in my oppinion obama really doesent seem like he wont lose.
Huckabee in my oppinion is another good guy. He is a preacher from the south. People will think that he's close minded.
Ok truthfuly i have no idea what to write. My oppinion obama will win and if not obama i would choose huckabee.
well huckabee troop increse is some thing that would help us in the regon, but only short run, because i think he dosen't have the balls to be presedent.
and obama he.....well ok between him and the b**** hillory the only demoacrats are...nobody! and there is no way he'll be pesedent, ether mit romney will become presedent or my money is on steven colbert even though i think it is a joke!
who ever it is it had better not be cliton! no two of anything in the wihte house!
I can’t really say that Obama won’t win the elections. Going on what I know now I could say that he would not win the elections because he does not stick with what he votes for in the first place. He originally voted for more troops in Iraq then says that he does not want them there and wants them out. You can not choose one thing and later after it passed and say well that was a mistake.
Huckabee will most likely not win the presidential election because not every stat has the evangelical population as the majority. They are the ones that he looks to for most of his votes and just to point out there are few states anymore that have them as their main population. He also does not have fully what many people are looking or in a president in the fact that he shows that he wants more religion than the freedom.
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