Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oh Shiz!

I am thoroughly surprised that no one has posted a blog about Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.
So I am taking the liberty!

Questions for thought:

What did you like about her policies?
What do you think will happen to Pakistans' government now?
Why was she exiled?

Now go enlighten yourselves with foreign policy!


Stoicned said...

I don't know why you're surprised. International politics isn't usually at the forefront of the teenage mind during those two blissful weeks of Winter Vacation that are fast coming to an end. I, on the other hand, am an acknowledged political junkie, so I'll give you my two cents' worth:

1.) During her tenure as PM of Pakistan, Bhutto's administration was plagued by scandal. She did little to advance the cause of democratic sustainability in Pakistan while lining her own pockets with millions of dollars illegally skimmed from the coffers of the Pakistani people. That being said, her return to Pakistan earlier this year promised a fight against the Islamic extremism that's ripping Pakistan apart.
In that sense, I guess I was a big fan of Bhutto. Despite her previous crimes and failures, which led to her exile, I think she would have led Pakistan in the right direction: I.E. away from Taliban-style extremism.

2.) To put it bluntly, Pakistan is screwed. It always has been and most likely will continue to be so for the duration of its existence. No Pakistani political leader has ever voluntarily left office, the legacy of British Colonialism has left a fractured and bitter population in a geopolitical quagmire at the explosive nexus of India, China, and Afghanistan where the volatile mix of oil, nuclear weapons, millennia-old ethic and cultural hatreds, and Islamic extremism will no doubt insure that Pakistan remain mired in crisis barring some kind of miracle.

In conclusion, let me say that I hope elections are held for appearance sake, but it would be best for everybody if Musharraf remains in power. Like Saddam in Iraq, he's the only thing holding that artificial nation state together.

And finally, let me just take a minute to defend America and indite the hypocritical European powers that continue to lecture us from behind their veils of ignorance. The colonial wreckage left behind by Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany have left the world a bitter, broken place. A great majority of the political conflicts occurring throughout the globe today is a DIRECT result of European colonialism.
The fact that the United States entire political identity is based on a rejection of this model makes me proud, to this day, to be an American.

Got it?

Lolami said...


Stoicned said...

What does "TL;DR" mean?

I'm out of touch, apparently....

Stoicned said...

Oh, I get it.

Read the first sentence of my answer to question 2......and then read the rest you lazy blob!

Lolami said...

Don't worry I read it.
I was just trying to be whitty.
I'm not so good at it...

Maybe Pakistan will do what the Filipino's did after the assasination of Sen. Ninoy Aquino back in 83, People's Power overthrow their government...

Stoicned said...

Maybe, but that would most
likely entail a move towards
Sharia law, and nobody wants