Monday, December 10, 2007

Big Story of The Day....

Guess what kids, more shootings!
This time, the gunmen went for a
youth group and Christian Church in
Denver. Any thoughts on this one?

For more info, check out This Link


The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

I think that the shooter only decided to do it that day because of the recent shooting at the mall the other day. I think its wrong to want to end your life and take as many as you can with you. I hope they punched the shooter in the face after he got shot. woot.

the_loose_juice said...

my thoughts are that the media today has encouraged more and more kids to do this kind of thing. there were shootings a while ago that didnt get media attention, and there werent any shootings directly afterwards. the media causes kids to see that and it encourages their thoughts. im not saying that any kid will see this and be like "o im gonna go kill people now.", but i am saying, kids that have thought about it before are more apt to do it.


I think people are starting to use shooting as a way to commit suicide. They think it's better for someone else to feel horrible about killing him or they think it's better to take others out with them becouse they hate there life.

ジョル said...

so the mall shooter copied the VTech shooter, and this ones probably a copy of the mall shootings. I;m seeing a pattern here. maybe this blame game we've been playing since VTech hasn't been working?