Monday, December 17, 2007

Bad Santa

"OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's post office and police are trying to track down a "rogue elf" who wrote obscene letters to children on behalf of Santa Claus, a newspaper reported on Friday. The Ottawa Citizen said at least 10 nasty letters had been delivered to little girls and boys in Ottawa who wrote to Santa this year care of the North Pole, which has a special H0H 0H0 Canadian postal code. Return letters from Santa are in fact written by an 11,000-strong army of Canada Post employees and volunteers.

"We firmly believe there is just one rogue elf out there," a Canada Post spokeswoman told the paper.

Canada Post's popular "Write to Santa" program -- which last year delivered more than a million letters to children in Canada and around the world -- has been shut down in Ottawa until the offender is caught ."

Happy Holidays!

What do you think is more hilarious? The mean letters? Or the 11,000-strong army of Canada post employees?

From what I've read, the letters weren't sexual.


Murphs said...

Those damn canadians...

Phone said...

In Canada... Cats grow on trees.
Of Course they messed with the system! Theyre Canadian!
If I was a part of that whole "elves writing for santa" deal-y, I would write a few awkward/mean letters.
But then again... Thats just me

ジョル said...

"Well Bret when you think about it, he doesn't have to deal with alot of the problems other kids do because he's Canadian"
"well he has plenty of Canadian issues to deal with, like rouge elves"
heh heh heh. props to anyone (except Ned and leslie) who knows what I was referencing.

anyways, I would have to say the part I find most hilarious is that this hasn't happened before. Or maybe that the entire 11,000 strong crew was shut down because of this. then again I suppose it was a necessary measure. I feel sorry for the kids that don't get letters though. Finding one rouge elf out of 11,000 could prove quite tricky.

also, in Canada, milk comes in bags.

Phone said...

milk comes in bags here too...
oh noes!!!!