Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Actually I just have a straight question, should we keep sex scandals out of politics? as in the case of Bill Clinton and how his adulterous behavior ruined his presidential career should presidents or even the senate members who have had sexual activity and have been found out should it ruin their chances on having a successful career.


Murphs said...

Sex scandals should be kept out of politics, except in cases where the activity in question is illegal (ie: Pedophilia). It's not something that should be a part of politics, and we should past times when sleeping with a powerful guy makes you powerful as well.

We Middle East Beasts Plays For Keeps, yoe foows said...

I think it shows that they are disrepectful in a way and shows a bad part of that person. Most people I wont care really, but change the way I look at them a bit. In the end Think that they should in a way be thrown out of their postion. You can really be say what wrong and whats right and who should be punished and who shouldn't.



The dog lets Brandon bark at noon said...

Well my freind....arron....kid next to me.... core partner...enough.

Sex scandals should NOT be kept out of politics. Someone running for president shouldnt have shit like that going on in the first place. It shows the bad side of the person. The people have the right to see in the life of a president, especialy when they are the leader of our country. Which isnt saying that every little thing should be shown to the public.

ジョル said...

I don't think they should be kept out of politics. I like to know as much about the candidate, politically, and personally, as possible if I am to make a good decision on who I want in office. This information will end up leaked one way or another. I'd rather not find out about it when they're already in office.

Phone said...

What does who someone decides to sleep with have to do with running our country? Sure there's the argument of if they cant run their personal life then who are they to run our country... But does everyone just look over the fact that Clinton (since he was used in the example) got our country out of Debt.(something our "newer" president who, though he has not cheated on his wife, has completely sent us in the wrong direction and now we're further in debt than we were before clinton got us out) And besides... I would probably cheat on Hillary Clinton too... just saying.