Monday, December 3, 2007

Ok Question...written about 40 mins before today started

OOOH, Somalia in crisis....oh dear
Well anyway the topic to write about today is this. Somalia is currently being given enough food a day to feed 21,000 people and currently they are asking the international community for more support. They say enough to raise the number to 50,000 people a day in the city of Mogadishu.

Now why are we feeding the Somalians well... fighting between Ethiopian-backed government forces and Islamist rebels in the capital, Mogadishu, has forced hundreds of thousands from their homes.

So I ask you as a citizen of the international community, do you feel we should spend more funds on Somalians temporarily moved from their homes because of some fighting in their capital city. Or as always should we hold ourselves higher and spend more money because we are the "keepers" of the world?

This time like mentioned in blue writing, answer in a long post please.


Murphs said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Dj Scythe,

Your ignorance speaks volumes. Couldn't it be argued that "wars with Middle Eastern countries" are directly linked to the crisis in Somalia?

To simplify things, it goes like this:

Somalia is an African country governed by a group of individuals beholden to political and religious interests based in the Middle East. Those political and religious interests do not have the best interests of the Somalia people in mind. Until our "wars with Middle Eastern countries" are successful and help to liberate African countries from the chains of Islamic governments, Somalis, Ethiopians, and Sudanese the world over will continue to starve and suffer.

Now, let's get back to Aaron's original question. If we send additional food, most likely, it's going to strengthen the abusive government, not make its way to the people that need it most. And in a nutshell, that's the problem with the UN. It operates on a basis of trust by doing business with some of the least trustworthy people on the face of the earth, like the Somali government. With that in mind, I say increase the ammount of food only if the government in power agrees to hold free elections....which will never happen.

By the way, this is the same battle we've been having in Eastern Africa for 20 years. For more info, check out the story of "Blackhawk Down," by Mark Bowden.


the_loose_juice said...

well, i think that we shouldnt even be spending money on another country when we have our own war going on, and we have our homeless and our poor that need to be taken care of. people always say that we need to save or help some other country, but i think that we need to just let nature take its course instead of spending our time and resources on them.
was that a long enough reply?

Trogdor said...

I think that the world always looks to america to fix problems. If These people need food there government needs to step up or the people need to overtrough the government.