Monday, December 17, 2007

Ok back to work

As some of you know I was residing deep in the jungle or concreat and iron washing glass windows for a living. Anyway while I was there, this very nice transiant named, jim...uh bob..and andrew. After 3 days of intense chess with this kind man. I came to the conclution...Seattle has a problem..and so does spokane. What can america do to help the homeless? How far should we push to create a better united states where no homeless run around the streets? Just give me your opinion.


Murphs said...

To be honest, I have no idea what America could do about homelessness in the country. We should push to abolish homelessness, but as to the extent, I know not.

Spanish said...

I feel that we should help the homeless in a way that we have started. We bring up houses that they can live in. Most of the time the only requirements are that they stay clean and sober. If they want help there is help out there for them they just need to make some sacrafices if they want help.

Lolami said...

Homelessness in America persists in part because many urban areas remain economically depressed, housing costs have risen rapidly in the past decade, and wages for lower skilled workers have remained stable.

The government could offer education programs, permanent housing, temporary shelter, career support, blah blah blah.

Or, we could equip them with weapons and have them battle each other, arena style. That would weed out the weak ones and provide entertainment! Remember kids, this is America.

I love the homeless.

Stoicned said...

Here's a deep thought:

When faced with the prospect of becoming responsible, paying off old debts, kicking costly drug habits, and holding down a steady job - many people would prefer to remain "homeless."

Be honest. Lethargy is an appealing lifestyle.

With that in mind, let's enjoying Winter Break!!!

ジョル said...

The homeless enjoy stealing food from you right after you purchase it from Ivars. Tricky bastards. I'd have to say I like lauren's idea the best. We'd see a massive increse in not only the homeless, but the general population as well. It' win win. As long as I'm not arond to see it.