Monday, January 28, 2008


Not to take the edge off this beautiful snow day or anything, but I want all of you to know that we're going to have to make it up at some point later on down the road. With that in mind, here's my question to any of you who might cruise by the blog on this unexpected day off: would you rather have the day off, knowing you're going to have to give one up later in the year, or tough it out and go to school, preserving the few scheduled days off we have left?



Murphs said...

Get the school day over with--I don't want to spend scheduled holidays in school. Plus, most snow days, you wake up and spend forever getting ready, only to discover you can just go back to bed.

Buckethead said...

I would rather get an extra day off now and then have to go o school on some other day. Most of the off holidays are, to me at least, pathetic excuses for a holiday.

Lolami said...

Bah, a day off is a day off.

~Miranda May~ said...

Depends every once in a while, but more than three thats enough!

笑い男(Warai Otoko) said...