For today's blog entry, I'd like you to respond to the following prompt:
Do you feel that schools should be responsible for combating childhood obesity,
or is this a problem best left to families themselves? After all, don't schools have
enough responsibilities as it is?

I think that they should be responsible for them self. If they are above the age of 12 give or tanke a year or two.
i like chicken
So to answer the question, I do not beleve its not FULLY schools responisbility to combat childhood obesity. Yet they should be awere of the growing threat of obesity in American and truly watch what they feed students in schools be it snack machines to school run lunches. Then its definatly a problem best left to now I have a very angry rant about obese people that I guess in some peoples opinions make me look like a Asshole. ENJOY!!!
Obese people that use the excuse that they have some sort of fat gene that, thats the only why they are obese make me sick...sure they could have a fat gene yet its been proven that eating right and a bit of exercise, you fat lards would make you you loose a few hundred pounds. see if I had my way I whould stomach staple the whole lot of them, at least then I wouldn't have to see there fatness anymore. I mean comeon doesnt it bother you when your walking down the street and you have to move becouse some whale is blocking the sidewalk...or have to scoot over because a walrus is sitting on two chaires becouse of their fat Limphadimas. GET THEM CUT OFF YOU FAT ASS.
I am sick and tired of every pointing the finger at everyone BUT the person responsible. Do you remember who was blamed for the VTech shooting? wasn't it the parents? the counselors? the teachers? it wasn't the gunman. Now that may seem like a harsh comparison to childhood obesity, but c'mon. get off of the couch, go do something active, and stop being fat. no matter how much parents, teachers, and anyone else tries, the only person that can keep a kid from getting fat is the kid himself.
I think both of you make good points that can lead to a kind of "common ground."
School's should provide students with healthy food and stop shoving pop and candy down their throats, while at the same time, people need to take responsibility for their actions and we, as a society, need to do the same.
In the immortal words of Chris Rock, "What ever happened to CRAAAZY?"
I feel that is should be up to the student and the parent on weather or not to take care of their waight. like many people say school is there to learn not to babysite. If the parents have a problem with the students waight then they should put them on a diet. There was an artical about waight in teenbiz. It showd that if you teach the kids good eating habits when they are young it will stick with them when they get older. Like many things are starting to sound. It is their body if they want to be over waight then let them they are not hurting us but themselves if they want help then we can help them but you cant help someone who does not want to be helped.
no i dont, it is the childs and the parents responsibility to teach and learn good habits, i dont think that we should take up oher peoples learning time to teach about fat people who cant learn some selfcontrol.
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