Monday, November 26, 2007

A blog of hotsauce, and death

As you may see from the title, this hot sauce doesn't "mess around" as we like to say. it has scared and disabled many fine and valiant digestive systems for life! LIFE!!! the menace known as the devils anus must be stopped before it can cause more damage to children and food-fanatics everywhere.
it was a day just like today. in fact it was today. i was chilling with my peeps in Ned's room, when Henry offered me the hot sauce. i was reluctant at first, but peer pressure got to me eventually. i had a sip....*snivel* i haven't been able to eat Ramon since. that hot sauce Has caused me serious mental, and physical scarring. i have been.......sterile since that day.
in summary, we need to bring more defenses against the forefront of hot sauce, and destroy the scourge before it destroys us!!!!! that is all.

1 comment:

Stoicned said...


You have the spelling and grammar of a
Mongolian 3rd grader.

This is a condition you should address.

