Monday, November 26, 2007

My oppinion on Water Boarding.

My name is Brandon. I enjoy long walks on the beach and going to candle lit dinners. I am going to express my opinion on water boarding. It is a highly debated topic. Many say that water boarding is un-american. I think that water boarding is a necessary torture. We dont use the technique on every person we think is a terrorist. We use it only on top terrorists that withold valuable and key information. The debate is that one side is for water boarding to get key information. The side against is saying that its cruel and inhumane to torture a human like this. Becuase it can cause mental damage. Think about this,would you ruin one persons life in order to save more lifes. If we dont get this information out before anything goes down then people will die and not only will victims be affected but also the families of these families. If we were to get information from Bin Laden then the terrorist attack wouldnt have happened. I may be wrong with my supporting facts but i still stand by water boarding is a necessary torture.

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