Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eye for an Eye

Why should we (all of the working people of America) pay to support a killer? They gave up their rights when they murdered someone. If the murderer is sent to death row, we will have to feed, clothe, provide medical care, pay for their cable, and provide all the other necessary daily living items for the rest of their lives. Why should we? You kill someone, you don't deserve to live. Regardless of whether or not they have good behavior, they must pay for their crime. I say we need to cut down the time spent on death row. Many criminals stay on death row for years on end. There should be a time limit of how long they get to continue to live. Whoever they murdered didn't get to continue to live, why should they?


Murphs said...
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Anonymous said...

Actually, killing the innmate costs about as much as all the care for the innmate.

Stoicned said...

What if we execute an innocent man or woman that's exonerated posthumously by new evidence, such as the case of
Ruben Cantu? If you don't know who he is, look him up.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to bring back what this country was based on; morals and public hangings. Both of these would cut down on murder.

Anonymous said...

Hanging's a cheap alternative!

Phone said...

"An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind"

Anonymous said...

Our system rarley/never exonerates innocent people on death row. let's hang 'em and forget 'em and not keep 'em around just incase

~Bri~ said...

I agree with "rivercity". Sometimes the supposed murderer is unjustly prosecuted. I think that is why they let people rot in jail for years on end. However if they confess of their own free will then I do think they should suffer and die the same way their victim did. No one little shot your dead. They caused a person harm and to suffer and to loose their given gift of life.