Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Tuesday's Response (Since I wasn't invited until today): Food is for people who can't deal with starvation.

Wednesday: I think if necessary we should torture people to get information out of them. I also think it's not really all that inhumane, as the tortured is capable of stoping the torture at any time by spilling what information they hold.

Though I do think if the US is going to torture people from other nations to stop 'terrorism', they should accept that Americans will likely be captured and tortured as well. The middle east (and the rest of the world) are completely aware that we have nukes, their reasons to torture Americans for information are more valid than ours to torture them.

The bully of the world can certainly dish it out, actually taking it is harder. America doesn't play fair.

Torture should be a completely acceptable way to collect information, no matter how it's carried out or what country's government is responsible.

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