Friday, November 30, 2007

Capital Punishment? More like Capital Party Time!

"You know if you get up and touch one of them shoes,
I'm gonna break my leg off in your ass."

America already has an incredibly flawed penal system without the issue of Capital Punishment…

But that is not the question at hand, is it?

Since many of you have shown appeal for the death penalty, I suppose I could take the opposition. Death seems futile in such a situation. Sure, if a profound crime has been committed, justice should be served. But, what is justice? Does it come in the form of lethal injection? Perhaps, perhaps not. One, of course, can do more alive than dead. They could pay their debts to society by working and volunteering. I know that sounds like a light sentence, but think about it. Criminals could work in hospitals, factories, missions, jails; EST. Hell, you could donate your body to science! They could very well affect humanity in a positive way.

As you can plainly see, from the headlines on newspapers to breaking news on CNN, Capital Punishment isn’t promoting the decline of the crime rate. We have over two million citizens behind bars, more than any other country in the world.

It’s a crazy world we live in kids. Do we embrace it? Or do we reject it?

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