Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm fat and it's everyone's fault but mine.

So this entire debate on obesity has been going on in our country for quite some time. Now I don't hate you if your fat. It's probably your fault. While some people may be more susceptible to weight gain than others, people need to make measures to make sure that they are healthy. I do understand that my Mountain Dew and Reman habits may not be entirely healthy, but that's not what we're talking about now. It is my personal belief, that people have been pointing fingers, and blaming others, for their own personal problems. Just because those four double quarter pounders with cheese look so delicious, and because parents can't say no their their chilred when they want some McDonalds, doesn't mean McDonalds is to blame. Just because people think they have to eat that fatty greasy burger, doesn't mean they have to right to sue the people making the food. Take matters into your own hands for once. Just because you are fat, doesn't mean I should have to put up with eating the crappy low fat fries, that replaced the greatest tasting potatoe product of the 21st century. Just because the state you live in is big, doesn't mean you have to be too. I'M TALKING TO YOU TEXAS!


Murphs said...

Can nobody in our skool spell Ramen?? You of all people should know! R'Amen!!

ジョル said...

you and your pastafarianim...

Stoicned said...

What's an "orly?"