Sunday, December 30, 2007
Oh Shiz!
So I am taking the liberty!
Questions for thought:
What did you like about her policies?
What do you think will happen to Pakistans' government now?
Why was she exiled?
Now go enlighten yourselves with foreign policy!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
On the other hand....
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Call of Cthulhu
Don't get me wrong, there was something very creepy about the story. But in my
opinion, all this "Cthulhu talk" is much ado about nothing. Do we really believe there's
a tentacled demi-god lurking below the black waters of the pacific? Or, like the Chuck
Norris phenomenon, are you guys just looking for some obscure pop-culture reference
in which to ironically revel? I don't get it.
That being said, this quote from the story struck me as apropos of "In the Heart of The
"Who knows the end? What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering
cities of men."
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Hey, Japanese People of RLA!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
iPod Jackers
Answer: Some idiot at RLA.
Question: Who would want to steal a stained notebook?
Answer: The same.
Honestly, people. What point is there in taking a notebook you can't read or a iPod you can't use?
Monday, December 17, 2007
"OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's post office and police are trying to track down a "rogue elf" who wrote obscene letters to children on behalf of Santa Claus, a newspaper reported on Friday. The Ottawa Citizen said at least 10 nasty letters had been delivered to little girls and boys in Ottawa who wrote to Santa this year care of the North Pole, which has a special H0H 0H0 Canadian postal code. Return letters from Santa are in fact written by an 11,000-strong army of Canada Post employees and volunteers.
"We firmly believe there is just one rogue elf out there," a Canada Post spokeswoman told the paper.
Canada Post's popular "Write to Santa" program -- which last year delivered more than a million letters to children in Canada and around the world -- has been shut down in Ottawa until the offender is caught ."
Happy Holidays!
What do you think is more hilarious? The mean letters? Or the 11,000-strong army of Canada post employees?
From what I've read, the letters weren't sexual.
Ok back to work
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Oh Geez
thank you and I love you all with all of my heart
p.s ill be back monday
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Edge of an Ethical Dilema
Article courtesy of Archaeology magazine.
"A client of mine, an amateur historian and art
collector, brought me a deteriorating Roman sword he purchased from the online
auction site eBay. He asked me to clean, stabilize, and preserve it. As I
examined the orange-red corrosion and white salt encrustations, noting fragments
that had exploded off the surface and areas only a few millimeters thick, I
realized I might be professionally obligated not to conserve it. The sword had
no provenance or export documents to prove it had been scientifically excavated
or lawfully sold.
Art conservators are dedicated to preserving
cultural heritage and we deplore looting and damage to archaeological sites and
artifacts. We are also acutely aware of the harm that can occur from leaving
fragile objects unconserved. Deciding whether to work on the sword was a moment
of crisis in my career. Conserving it could be considered unethical or
unprofessional, while ignoring the piece could put it at risk of disintegrating.
Was I accountable to the physical artifact, my profession, or the archaeological
Why do museums refuse personal collections while accepting and glorifying unprovenanced objects donated by wealthier, more prominent collectors?
Why is there no blanket international agreement governing the antiquities trade?
Shouldn't we preserve looted objects if they are only traces of a destroyed archaeological site?
Hopes shattered
Monday, December 10, 2007
Big Story of The Day....
This time, the gunmen went for a
youth group and Christian Church in
Denver. Any thoughts on this one?
For more info, check out This Link

Friday, December 7, 2007
Follow up question
Now what is your opinion on why he went and killed these innocent people?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Well you see...
Your students; so stop complaining and be studious!
Electronic Nightmares.
People accuse video games and music of influencing kids to shoot up schools and now shopping malls.
Do you think that a simple song or video game effects someone to the point that they start killing?
Question for ned
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
My answer to this is...
We should not add sex scandals into politics. what happened with Bill Clinton was not right. Even if they are politicians they have a right to privacy to don't you think. We around complaining about them violating our privacy that we don't think that we are violating their privacey. think about that. It should not effect their career because what happens behind their closed bedroom doors should not effect us. Let the people sleep with who they want as long as its not hurting us.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
... pondering
Monday, December 3, 2007
Ok Question...written about 40 mins before today started
Well anyway the topic to write about today is this. Somalia is currently being given enough food a day to feed 21,000 people and currently they are asking the international community for more support. They say enough to raise the number to 50,000 people a day in the city of Mogadishu.
Now why are we feeding the Somalians well... fighting between Ethiopian-backed government forces and Islamist rebels in the capital, Mogadishu, has forced hundreds of thousands from their homes.
So I ask you as a citizen of the international community, do you feel we should spend more funds on Somalians temporarily moved from their homes because of some fighting in their capital city. Or as always should we hold ourselves higher and spend more money because we are the "keepers" of the world?
This time like mentioned in blue writing, answer in a long post please.
everyone should know about now
Feel the heat
Silent Monday
Yet the question remains in my mind, should countries of any kind enforce intolerance to any persons working within there country that is not a citizen?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Oh one more thing
Tomarrow is Aids awareness day so...
don't become a statistic
you know what to do.
Next Question
So yesterday we answered the question on Capital Punishment and overall the responses were about the same.
Now I have heard a lot about religion the last few days and have seen how it could sway your answer. So I have a question for everyone!!!
Do you feel a class in Theology* should be added to a high school curriculum in the public school system as a elective? A required class?
Also do you think religion should be added to the way we make laws and carry out such laws?
Do you think that one religion should be used as a foundation for our culture?
*The study of religion
Capital Punishment? More like Capital Party Time!
But that is not the question at hand, is it?
Since many of you have shown appeal for the death penalty, I suppose I could take the opposition. Death seems futile in such a situation. Sure, if a profound crime has been committed, justice should be served. But, what is justice? Does it come in the form of lethal injection? Perhaps, perhaps not. One, of course, can do more alive than dead. They could pay their debts to society by working and volunteering. I know that sounds like a light sentence, but think about it. Criminals could work in hospitals, factories, missions, jails; EST. Hell, you could donate your body to science! They could very well affect humanity in a positive way.
As you can plainly see, from the headlines on newspapers to breaking news on CNN, Capital Punishment isn’t promoting the decline of the crime rate. We have over two million citizens behind bars, more than any other country in the world.
It’s a crazy world we live in kids. Do we embrace it? Or do we reject it?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It is called Responsibility
Second Question
Does a person have to be important before they are considered assassinated instead of just plain murdered?
A spin off of Eye for an Eye
Any thoughts? Opinions? Answers?
Eye for an Eye
Prepare to be outraged....
If not, go ahead and stick your head back in the sand.
Capital Punishment
Do you think it is right for us to justify killing because we say that it is humane because they killed people first??
So my next question is going to span on the issue of the death penalty in the United States.
Currently the United States there is Capital Punishment (death penalty) in some way in most states, Unlike most countries around the world who have abolished Capital Punishment, we still hold strong in our believes that killing High Risk Prisoners* is still a solution.
The countries around the world are mostly European country's and many south American and pacific island states like Australia and New Zealand who have abolished Capital Punishment.
Countries that hold there Capital punishment strong are Mostly Asian and African/middle east countries and of course the United States.
So My question is this, tell me what you know about Capital Punishment and what are your views on Capital Punishment in the United States.
*a person who has commited murder also peoples who have commited treason and some cases kidnap
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The poll is on the right.
Everyone needs to use the right grammar .
On our blog site spell words correctly no abreviation words.
Example: wtf,y,brb,lmao,lol,rofl,btw,idk, w/e. and the list goes on.
Do it on your own blog not on the schools.
Oh also Please refrain from language do remember this is the schools blog not your own. if you have questions on how to start your own blog ask any of the core members, Buggles(Aaron) The Fluffman(brandon) DJscythe (Leslie)
In comparison with other techniques we use to get information for terrorists, would you consider waterboarding torture? How 'torturous' is it? also, if you do not believe that waterboarding should be used at all, give us some alternatives, given the current terrorism situation. alright that's all I have right now. post some answers. and stuff.
Wednesday: I think if necessary we should torture people to get information out of them. I also think it's not really all that inhumane, as the tortured is capable of stoping the torture at any time by spilling what information they hold.
Though I do think if the US is going to torture people from other nations to stop 'terrorism', they should accept that Americans will likely be captured and tortured as well. The middle east (and the rest of the world) are completely aware that we have nukes, their reasons to torture Americans for information are more valid than ours to torture them.
The bully of the world can certainly dish it out, actually taking it is harder. America doesn't play fair.
Torture should be a completely acceptable way to collect information, no matter how it's carried out or what country's government is responsible.
I prefer water skiing
'Board 'Em
it anyway. For all of the reasons you've already listed, in addition to the
fact that it's morally justifiable to torture someone when the lives of others
are at stake, I'll defend waterboarding. That being said, I think the whole
debate is much ado about nothing. Firstly, the people that are being tortured
through waterboarding forfeited any natural rights they may have had when
they took up the cause of death and religious intolerance in the first place.
Secondly, as a means of interrogation, waterboarding isn't the most effective
technique. As any interrogator will tell you, gaining the detainee's trust is
the most important factor in determining the success of an interrogation.
Unfortunately, this takes time and when you don't have that luxury, it is
morally defensible to subject them to waterboarding.
All is fair
So for our first school post the topic is waterboarding.
Waterboarding: A form of torture used by the CIA for high risk prisoners of war who have openly/through other forms of torture informed the CIA they are terrorists planning on disrupting peace in the middle east. The CIA uses waterboarding to gain more information on proposed plans of terror so that the CIA can prevent the attack from striking and possably taking more lives in the middle east.
Now to waterboard somone is to place a peace of vinal cloth over ones mouth and slowly pour water in over the cloth...this forces a gag reflex that makes the tortured feel like they are drowning and ultimatly forcing them to break and pour information to the CIA.
The question that I wish for you to post is. What are your views on Waterboarding and should the United States use any form of torture to gain information?
Please post by the end of the day.
Viva Revolution
Kuribo.Jones は だれですか?
The day we all gave up(another day at RLA)
Why does everyone
Just because you're in a bad mood dont be a jerk and take it out on everyone else. And Mac loves Sam.
Today's Topic: 2008 Presidential Candidates
If you could vote, who would you endorse and why?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I'm fat and it's everyone's fault but mine.
No Fat Chicks
As I sit here, in my living room, I am thwarted by a longing to have something delicious grace my pallet. Am I hungry? No, not really. But those jalapeno potato chips, to my left, sure do look appealing. I suppose I could go upstairs and prepare myself a healthy snack instead of eating those. But, again I’m not really hungry and that would take too much effort. Eventually I will give in to the craving and guzzle down a couple handfuls of chips, happily licking my fingers between swallows.
You see, junk food is not only tasty, but it is virtually devoid of any preparation. A quick meal from a fast food restaurant is notably alluring after a hard days work. The cost is easy on the wallet as well.
After eating such a meal, one is sure to feel tired and unproductive. It’s easy to spend countless hours in front of the T.V. “relaxing”.
This endless cycle is just one of the many relying factors of obesity. But like any unhealthy addiction, there must be preventative steps taken to ensure the end of it. Should the schools be responsible for this? In some ways, yes. They can promote healthy lifestyles and offer alternatives to otherwise harmful foods. But there is only so much a school can do. Ultimately, people should take charge of their own lives. Though, it sounds much easier than it actually is. To make life changes, one needs a support system to help them along the way, be it friends or family.
Of course, if doing the whole diet and exercise thing is too demanding, just invest in the ol’ eating disorder.
A Quote from Mo
Obesity rules!
For the people that just have natural fatness haha. Take steps to not be fat. Being fat is a choice. Dont be lazy.
Schools dont have the responsobility to make sure someone is in good health unless they know the student is in danger.
Blog Prompt for Tuesday, November 27th
For today's blog entry, I'd like you to respond to the following prompt:
Do you feel that schools should be responsible for combating childhood obesity,
or is this a problem best left to families themselves? After all, don't schools have
enough responsibilities as it is?

demon pelican zombies

He then used it to kill some 8,482,113,521 demon zombies. Which by then he ran out of gas and started to use his machete. As he was making his last stand he noticed his brother stumble into the room. His brother’s legs where eaten off by the demon zombies. His brother then cried out “help me”. In response to what his brother said he then used the flag pole to beat and impale his neck with until there was a reasonable amount of blood leaking, which then he used his dull machete to finish him off with. He then made an attempt to get to the roof to get to the helicopter, but as he was ascending up the stairs inflamed couches at the speed 364 mph were falling in his path. He then lost his legs, three livers, his only heart (which he has two of) one eye, two waffles, and other stuff that really didn’t have anything to do with intentional paper clippings in the process. He then suffered 68 hours of bleeding and excruciating pain due to not being able to eat his leftovers, which were just out of reach. After the incident with the lawnmower he then crawled to the roof and signaled to his helicopter that his brother (that died) was piloting, who was drunk. He then fended the remaining demon zombies with book called ”how to cook with no salt”. As the helicopter approached the zombies that were being beating to death by his book fell over the edge and caught the helicopter’s propellers on the way down, which then caused his brother to crash into him. His brother was disintegrated in a 83 ft radius. He then spent his last moments eating tacos with no gravy yes I said no gravy as he was being devoured be demon zombies. In the end he suffered for 684 hours, bleed 1827 gallons, failed to reach his leftovers, and is still suffering as we speak due to a lack of gravy even though he was devoured by the demon zombies. In the very end he didn’t get to ride the happy unicorns over the happy elf filled rainbow. In the very depressing end he killed himself using two barrels of floss, eight suitcases and a used doorknob.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Note from Ned....
Our students are bums. Clearly.
Alas, I can only do so much....
First blog by buggles
Hello everyone caring to read this blog posted by buggles..which is me.
I have a quote by a fellow student.
"here it it comes....THE POWER WITHIN" ~Usamah Elbakkush
Helping people with Blogger
The Area I Am Supposed To Collect Knowledge In..
It is 1:38 PM
This day is coming to an end.
Well i have decided to talk about how my area that i sit in is an utter disgrace to all schools.
We have Arron, Leslie, Bryce, Me [Brandon], Henry and Usamah. This isnt the first day that our room looked like a hurricane had hit. Day after day we all agree that our area is horrible. But does anything happen to prevent it from getting dirty everyday? No infact it does not. It is hard to work in such an enviorment when one day your books and papers are on your desk and the next day its either on the floor from the goons that screw around after school or strewn on a desk across the room. This will bring me to another blog i will write in a few minutes. We need to quit letting not only our area but the class rooms areas. We need to work on holding our school together kids.
My oppinion on Water Boarding.
A blog of hotsauce, and death
it was a day just like today. in fact it was today. i was chilling with my peeps in Ned's room, when Henry offered me the hot sauce. i was reluctant at first, but peer pressure got to me eventually. i had a sip....*snivel* i haven't been able to eat Ramon since. that hot sauce Has caused me serious mental, and physical scarring. i have been.......sterile since that day.
in summary, we need to bring more defenses against the forefront of hot sauce, and destroy the scourge before it destroys us!!!!! that is all.
100% PAIN of death
When i put the drop of 100% pain in my mouth it was like i walked into hell because of 100% pain i lost all my family all my friends to this devilish blood. they....they ...all FELL INTO A LAKE OF FIRE which i sooner joined. it was so intense that i wanted to cut off my tongue. i don't want to talk about it so this is the end as my soul slowly catches on fire.
It was a normal school day. Everyone was at school having a good jolly time. Henry arrived casualy and slumped down in his chair. Staring at everyone behind his eyes of death, he slowly yet surely pulled out what was soon to be then end of my life. At first i saw it and was like " fo sho sun I try that bizzy." Henry laughed a cackling laugh as all the lights dimmed and lighting striked the outside tree. When the lights returned back to there normal color and the lightning outside halted we all got into a little circle. There was the weird kid that wears make-up known as Bryce. Jake the unexplainable. Henry the Mysterious and me Brandon the face. I should have stopped it right when I had the chance to. Right when Henry the Mysterious unscrewed that cap slowly my soul slowly left my body. There was a rumble coming from the bottle. The lights went out. The only source of light was this bottle of 100% Pain. We all took a shot of the Fire itself at the same time. When there was a explosion. Everyone fell out of there seat and a giant hole opened in the center of the cirlce. A demon slowly jumped out. He pulled our tongues out at the same time. He jumped on our tongues with his black hooves. The he ran it over with his caddilac. He jumped back into his whole. It was over never to be talked about again until now. That day the devil had licked my tongue. The Legend lives on.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Inaugural Post
Welcome to the space age friends. It's my sincere hope that this blog will become
an on-line representation of my advisory's collective brain. Think of it as "wading in
our stream of consciousness."
Stay tuned for profound things,